Monday, June 25, 2018

Separating Families

   The United States becomes more and more appaling by the minute. Now they are separating children from their parents, because those parents decided to immigrate. This is very real, and the fact that people are doing close to nothing about it is even more horrifying. The States even recently passed a law that legally allows them to keep children separate from their parents, even those who are no older than toddlers.
Image result for united states family separation   This is absolutely insane, and this is happening in a modern society. These children live in tents, pictured here. They are guarded by trained, professional guards, and some witnesses even claimed that the diapers of younger children were changed by older ones. How inhumane do you have to be to accept this kind of treatment in your own country?
   Apparently, "Land of the free" only applies if you're rich, white, and preferably male. Dear Donald Trump: "your" country is built upon immigration. Your family were immigrants, because I highly doubt you're native american. I don't understand how you can ignore something so fundamental for your society as a place where everyone can find happiness and a happy life. You ignore the constitutional right to freedom, while you cite it for every other argument.
   What you're doing here is completely inhumane, and insanely wrong. I have no idea how you, the American people, are able to ignore this issue. I see articles about protesting, but not nearly enought to make a difference. I am baffled at how most people are just sitting back and ignoring this. You have nothing to loose, and yet you do nothing.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Why Pride is Important

   So I went to Kokkola Pride this Saturday, and was actually interviewed on my views regarding the LGBTQ community and our rights, which is something that makes me really happy. People need to know we exist, that we won't settle for anything but equal treatment.  So why was Kokkola Pride so important?
   We live in something called the Bible Belt, which means the people living around here are very religious, and there are a lot of free churches around here. The community has also a very high average age around here, especially where I live, most of the people being elderly, which makes it very hard to establish a positive environment for people who aren't heterosexual. This even applies to the generation before ours, my parents generation is not all that tolerant either, even though they were born in the 70s. Of course it depends on the person and all that, but overall they still have very oldfashioned, or even homophobic views.
   I was very lucky when I grew up, I was accepted by all the people who mattered to me the most, but that doesn't mean that others are, and that is why I always attend pride. I think it's important to show support for minorities, no matter how good your own life and situation is.
   What consenting adults do in their relationships is their business, and it's really none of yours. If two ment want to walk around holding hands, let them.  If two girls want to show just a little bit of PDA, let them. They are hurting no one, and if you're against anyone who isn't heterosexual, please know that you have a great life for you to be able to focus this much on who other people love. Don't you have anything else to do than to spread hate and bigotry around like a sprinkler? There are so many better things to focus your energy on than trying to change something you aren't able to affect anyway.
   Pride is imporant because the world needs more acceptance, less bigotry and hate. It's important to make sure people feel included and loved no matter what. Heterosexuals are not the only ones who should be equal, we all deserve equal rights. We are all human, we all deserve human rights.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


   I have been gone forever. Not a single blogpost in very many days, no uploads, nothing. I kind of want to try to explain why to you.
   As most of you know, I'm suffering from depression and have done so for quite a few years. I'm getting better, but I'm still not well. I fight constantly to get back to a happy, healthy me, but it's not that easy. Many people think those with depression need to "cheer up", but like with any illness, it's not that easy. Just because you want something to go away, it doesn't mean it's automatically going to.
    I have been depressed since I started 9th grade, and I don't really know why it's stuck with me for about six years. I don't even really know what triggered it in the first place, though I do have some theories: awful "friends" who put me down for everything I said and did, feeling isolated and not fitting in in the small community where I lived, and so on. But the truth is, I don't really know where it came from, and that makes it harder to combat.
Image result for recovery is not linear
From: Mending Mable on Wordpress
   Now to the reason I've been gone. Right now, I'm trying as hard as I possibly can to get healthy, and I've come a long way from my lowest point. On good days, I now feel genuine happiness. On good days, I don't always hate the way I look. On good days, I don't have to fight to get out of bed, I don't have nightmares, I don't randomly burst into tears or have painful and horrifying anxiety attacks. But those are the good days, and recovery is not linear. It doesn't get better and better all the time, sometimes you fall back into old memories, feelings, and you start to feel really bad again. I've been stuck there for a few days now, alternating between feeling really crappy, and just being a bit sad some days.
   Because no matter how much you fight your depression, anxiety or whatever you have, you're going to have some bad days. It pains me to say it, but it's inevitable. Despite you being in recovery, you will cry, have anxiety attacks or not want to eat, depending on what your condition is. But the thing is, if you keep going, things actually do get better, even if it's not linear.
   When I compare my overall self with the one I experienced several years ago, I feel great now compared to then, and the factors are many. I live in a community where I'm accepted. I have friends who actually like me and don't put me down over what I like, think or feel. I'm in a healthy, happy relationship. I'm attending my dream university, and I'm slowly but surely making my way towards the degrees that I want. Life is going great for me, and those thoughts put into my brain during 9th grade are slowly starting to disappear. Maybe I'm not stupid. Maybe I'm not ugly. Maybe I'm actually funny, smart and blessed with a creative talent, and I could conquer the world if I want to.
   I'm still fighting, but I'm starting to see results for what I'm fighting for. I'm starting to be genuinly happy about things in my life, and appreciate all the things I didn't before. I'm not well yet, but I'm getting there.
   The last few days I've fought really hard, trying to handle my pain in every way I can except break down, and I've actually managed pretty well. I still feel lost, but I know my direction will come back. I still feel sad, but I know my happiness will come back. It's just a matter of time now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Deadpool 2 (Spoilerfree)

Image result for deadpool 2   I'm going to keep this review spoiler free, even though it's been out for a couple of weeks, because some of you might have managed to ninja past all those spoilers floating around, and I don't want to ruin that for you.
   After tragedy strikes Wade Williams, aka Deadpool, and he gets taken in by the X-Men, he runs into a young boy with troubles far bigger than he can handle. But as it is discovered, a time traveller is after the young man for the crimes he's going to commit, although Wade still believes he can be saved. The two, along with a chosen few superheroes, team up to save the time travellers family from a horrible fate.
   This movie was amazing, everything I could ever had hoped for from a sequel to the first Deadpool movie. I've missed the characters, most of all Wade of course, and the directing was perfect (I was however a bit disappointed in the Stan Lee cameo, but what can you do). The acting was, as always when it come to Marvel, impeccable, and the humor just as spot on as in the first film.
If you're a Marvel fan, looking for a good laugh and some excitement, or you just like great movies in general, you should absolutely check this movie out, because you won't regret it.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tallinn Part 3: Geocacheing and Going Home

   Here's the last part of the vlogs about us travelling to Tallinn, Estonia. I hope you've liked this little change of scenery! Remember to subscribe and go check out other videos on my channel, where new videos are uploaded every day!