We live in something called the Bible Belt, which means the people living around here are very religious, and there are a lot of free churches around here. The community has also a very high average age around here, especially where I live, most of the people being elderly, which makes it very hard to establish a positive environment for people who aren't heterosexual. This even applies to the generation before ours, my parents generation is not all that tolerant either, even though they were born in the 70s. Of course it depends on the person and all that, but overall they still have very oldfashioned, or even homophobic views.
I was very lucky when I grew up, I was accepted by all the people who mattered to me the most, but that doesn't mean that others are, and that is why I always attend pride. I think it's important to show support for minorities, no matter how good your own life and situation is.
What consenting adults do in their relationships is their business, and it's really none of yours. If two ment want to walk around holding hands, let them. If two girls want to show just a little bit of PDA, let them. They are hurting no one, and if you're against anyone who isn't heterosexual, please know that you have a great life for you to be able to focus this much on who other people love. Don't you have anything else to do than to spread hate and bigotry around like a sprinkler? There are so many better things to focus your energy on than trying to change something you aren't able to affect anyway.
Pride is imporant because the world needs more acceptance, less bigotry and hate. It's important to make sure people feel included and loved no matter what. Heterosexuals are not the only ones who should be equal, we all deserve equal rights. We are all human, we all deserve human rights.
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