I have actually managed to loose weight these past few weeks, 1kg to be exact. And I know that's not a lot, or particularly impressive, but since loosing weight is just part of my goal, it makes me really happy. Last week, I paid the fee for the campus gym, for the entire year, and I've gone there once so far (next gym session this Wednesday), and it went surprisingly well. I really like it, although it's pretty small and somewhat crowded.
I'm also proud to announce that I have gone running in the past week, I started my day today with a yoga/stretching session to let my muscles rest a bit, and I've even planned some swimming into my schedule for the upcoming month, along with more time at the gym and more running.
I am honestly so proud of myself for this. I've never been the type of person to enjoy exercise very much, except very particular types (horseback riding and walking), and now I find myself having broadened my horizons enough to like things I never though I would, all while treating my body better and feeling a lot better.
I find myself having more energy, it being easier to get up in the morning, and even yesterday (when Theo was sadly sick with a fever and coughing), I enjoyed working out despite being on my feet taking care of both him, the kitten and all the other things I was supposed to be doing. I have always heard that exercising makes you more energized, but I honestly never thought it could make this much of a difference.
And to finish this little update, if any of you are wondering about specifik goals regarding my fitness, here's what I have so far:
1. Lose another 8 kilos, which will take me down to the weight I was before I gained weight last year
2. Be able to run 3km without having to start walking as a break
3. Feel happier and more energized throughout the day (acheived)
4. Gain more muscles in my arms, abs and legs
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