It took me many many years to figure this out, but it's completely fine to not have everything figured out, to not always know the final step to every action you're doing, just figuring it out from day to day it's perfectly fine. And to be completely honest, it's a really confusing world, and no one really knows what they're doing. There are tons of adults still figuring themselves out, even though we were told our adolescence should be that time in our lives. And being an adult, or a student, or a teenager who hasn't figured out yourself, your life or your future is actually really normal and common.
People often put on a brave face and pretend to know what they're doing, but I'm here to tell you, that most probably they have absolutely no idea. We're all just out here, winging it. And while that is also scary, I think it's beautiful. We're a planet filled with morons who can't decide what we want to do in life, what we believe in or what we want for ourselves, and that's kind of awesome and hilarious at the same time.
Just because someone close to you seems to have their life together, accomplishing their goals and doing great, doesn't mean that you are somehow worse because your life hasn't been pieced together yet. You just need to find the right pieces and start building. Just like everyone learns at their own pace, runs their own pace, we also find ourself in a pace that is completely unique, which is why you shouldn't compare yourself to others.
If you're at a place in life right now, where nothing is making sense, you're confused and seeing other people who seem to know what they're doing; trust me when I say they're probably still confused about a lot of things no matter how perfect their lives seem, and some days, you are that person to someone else, even if you don't feel like it. Trust in yourself, and know that there will be a day where you wonder why you were ever worried.
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