1. Learn to let things go
By holding on to old grudges, problems, difficulties and arguments, you do nothing but gather bad emotions, stress and other negative things. The negative things in your life is what keeps you from being happier, healthier and feeling better about your life. By letting go of old negative experiences you can minimize the risk of expressing those negative things in your life.
2. Do things that make you happy
Are you supposed to meet with a person you don't like? Do you have a job you hate? Do you have hobbies you are no longer fond of? If the answer to those questions are yes, you need to re-evaluate what you spend your time doing and why. Spending your time doing things you dislike isn't going to make you any happier. Instead, put time and effort in things that make you feel good and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment. Of course, this doesn't mean you should stop doing dishes just because you dislike it. Logical boundraries are a must.
3. Everything in moderation
Are you afraid to eat chocolate because you'll get fat? Do you spend ten hours a day studying? Are you always making sure your home and your appearance is perfected? Of course, it is great to have priorities, and you should. But there is nothing wrong with enjoying chocolate, and you won't get fat from a few pieces. Doing things that are egotistic are actually good for you in moderation. Take time to relax, eat a few pieces of chocolate and you know, everything around you doesn't have to look perfect all the time.
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