Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The end of fall

   Yesterday was the last official day of fall, since in the evening it started to snow. I've been looking forward to winter for a long time, but now when fall is coming to an end, I'm actually kind of sad about it. I still want warm fall days, but I really look forward to the darkness, the snow and of course, Christmas and not having to go to school for a while. Besides, during the Christmas holiday I get to visit home, which since I live so far away, happens very rarely.
   Speaking of visiting my parents, I'm actually going there this weekend as well, to meet some relatives, my family, my pets and my friends for once. I really look forward to it, even though it's just a short weekend, and my schedule is going to be filled with things to do and people to meet up with. I feel like going home has been put off for a long time, but since I have about 500 kilometres to travel, I also feel like it's justified. Travelling and going home is going to be fun, I haven't travelled anywhere in a really long time.
   I have a test coming up wednesday, but I'm not too worried about it. I've actually started studying beforehand for once, and I feel like I at least kind of can grasp the material. Besides, I still have a full week to study for it, so I'm not too stressed about that.
   I've also started shopping for Christmas gifts for a few people, and actually found things that are quite fitting. Sadly, I can't share my gift ideas with you, since the people recieving those gifts, read my blog from time to time. To be honest, I'm really horrible at buying presents, so I always have to start early, or otherwise it's never getting done. I've already found two, so I feel quite proud of myself actually.
   Otherwise, not much is new. The snow is still here, but I really doubt that it'll stay for long, since the first snow rarely does. I look forward to having a bit more snow, I feel like building a snowman at least once this year.
Hugs from my apartment!

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