Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Short Haul & What I got for Christmas!

Just a short video about what I got for Christmas. Sadly, I couldn't include every singel gift in the vlog, but I hope you know I appreciate all of your gifts! Happy holidays!
(I'm sorry about the terrible quality of the video, I'm recording at my parents place and I don't have my usual equipment... Bear with me, I'm going home in a few days, so the quality of the next vlog should be better.)
Click here to subscribe!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

10 great things about the holidays!

1. The Christmas tree ~ I don't know if there's just something about how it glows, how it smells or decorating it, but the Christmas tree will always be a vital part of my Christmas celebrations.
Bildresultat för christmas2. Wrapping gifts ~ Although sometimes frustrating, wrapping gifts will always be a large personal favorite Christmas activity. From the colorful wrapping paper to imagining the face of your friends or relatives facial expressions when they open their gifts, wrapping gifts is something very special.
3. The Snow ~ I don't know if this applies to wherever you live, but I don't feel like it's truly Christmas before the ground has been covered in powdery, white fluff.
4. Gingerbread cookies ~ These cookies, and baking before Christmas is really important. The smells and the feeling of preparing something delicious is a perfect combination for holiday spirit.
5. Going to see my family ~ A new favorite, since I just moved out, this is something I'm going to look forward to each and every year.
6. The decorations ~ Something about filling your home with tiny replications of Santa Claus, the sparkling decorations for the tree and everything else fills me with holiday warmth.
7. The presents ~ Let's not lie and pretend to not be materialistic, we all look forward to the gifts. From a young age, this is the things we look forward the most, and when older, we also get to take part in the gift of giving.
Relaterad bild8. The food ~ It's no surprise that this made the top ten list. Food is such an important part of any holiday, it would be strange if it weren't mentioned.
9. The waiting ~ No matter how frustrating, it is also one of my favourite things about this winter holiday.
10. The music ~ I'm not much for the traditional Christmas carols, Mariah Carey is not in my playlists on spotify, neither is something usually sung in church. But the Christmas music I do enjoy, is very important to me.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Bad Moms

Bildresultat för bad momsBeing a mother is hard. Amy Mitchell is a married woman of two who has zero idea what she's doing. The public surface of her family is perfect; a loving father and mother, her two children are always welldressed, on time and has healthy lunches, a nice house in the suburbs...
But between working, waking care of her family (her husband included) and finding out said husband is cheating, Amy realises she no longer has the desire to be a perfect mom.
Mothers needs to have fun as well, they need to relax and have their own time with their own hobbies and their own enjoyments. Finding new friends, Amy realises that she's been the wrong kind of mother all along.
Bildresultat för bad momsFeaturing Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn the movie Bad Moms is something I definetly would recommend you watch, especially if you're a mother. Realising you don't have to be perfect, your house doesn't need to be perfect and your children are allowed to make mistakes is a large part of the movie's message, something I think more mothers need to hear: just because you become a mother, you don't need to stop living, and in life, mistakes are perfectly allowed.
Actually, the original reason I watched the movie is that one of my favorite youtubers had a cameo in it, but I ended up falling in love with the movie.
I would highly recommend watching this!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Back home

Yesterday, I got to my parents house, and after the rough day of getting up early, after 4 hours of sleep, I slept twelve hours the first night here and I'm sensing I'm going to need a lot of sleep tonight as well. For some reason, I need a lot of sleep lately, I don't know why. I might be too stressed again.
The train ride was surprisingly pleasant. I didn't have to sit next to anyone annoying, there were no noisy children or arguing adults around me, I slept through a lot of the journey and for the first time when travelling by train, my trains were not delayed. It took several trips, Which was a pleasant surprise, since I was tired as hell from the late night, since I fell asleep around 4 in the morning. I stayed up late, wrapping my christmas gifts to everyone here, since I didn't want to have to do it after I arrived. After wrapping the gifts, I still had to get home, since all the wrapping happened at my boyfriend's place and I had to leave early in the morning so I wanted to sleep at home.
Now that I'm here though, I notice a lot has changed. My brother's grown like a weed, as is now significantly taller than me. My mom and dad have made a lot of changes to the house and the enterior in general, and it's really fun to see.
And of course, I love the fact that there was actually snow when I got home, since we never really had a large amount of snow in Åbo. It feels a lot more like Christmas when the ground is covered in white powder magic.
However, I do miss my boyfriend, who celebrates Christmas with his family. 
I hope that all of you are celebrating Christmas with people who love you, and that you have a really nice Christmas this year!
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The small joys in life

Now it's been decided: I'm going to visit my parents next week. I'm going to spend Christmas with my family and meet up with a few friends, before returning to Åbo the 30th of December to celebrate new year's eve with my boyfriend. I'm really looking forward to the Holidays, I feel like I need a break from my every day life.
I'm going to travel by train, which I actually love. I love getting to sit by myself, work on my writing or reading, just listening to music in my own little space, which I rarely get to do. I'm probably going to work some more on my book while I'm on the train, and hopefully I'll get a lot done.
I've gotten most of my Christmas shopping done, I only have a few things left and even bought some "Christmas gifts" for myself, including the adorable cacti you can see on the lower picture. I found them at Ikea (of all places to buy plants) and fell in love immediately. I love cacti, I think they're adorable, and since I'm not that talented with plants they're perfect for me, since you basically can't kill them.

I went out for coffee (or in my case, tea) with a friend today, an appreciated break from studying for exams. I actually had the priveledge of going somewhere I had never been before, so I even had a new experience at the same time. And now, I know where to go if I'm ever craving a piece of delicious cheesecake.
Otherwise, nothing much is new. I have my last exam next monday, and I'm a lot more focused on Christmas than on studying... Not that that's a surprise...
Holiday hugs from my apartment!

Monday, December 12, 2016

A Short Q&A

Yo! I'm back on youtube, starting with a small Q&A for all of you. Check it out if you have 5 minutes of your busy day to spare... Otherwise, I totally get it...

Saturday, December 10, 2016


So this weekend I've decided that I'm going to record a Q&A, and now I need some questions to answer. So if there is anything you want to know, feel free to comment your questions below or ask them on my instagram, which is @myspotfordreams . You can ask me anything!
The video will be uploaded on Monday... I'm back on Youtube! 💚

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

6 Things Men Need To Know About Periods

Every man, at some point in his life, encounters a woman on her period. Even gay men have sisters, female friends or other women in their lives! And these women, no matter what relationship they have with you, may or may not be in need of help during her time of the month, and when that happens, it's important for you to be prepared! So here are a few things you probably didn't know about women on their period!
1. Chocolate is not always the answer Yes, while chocolate is a craving that arises often during a woman's period; it's not always that great to feed us enormous quantities of it. Sometimes, during a period, a woman feels noxious, vomits, or just feels fat, and during those, chocolate is probably the worst things you can offer. When the girl you're taking care of is on her period, ask her if you can get her anything, don't just assume she wants chocolate.
2. Moodswings; sometimes they're different Almost every woman experiences some type of moodswing during her period, and it is very important for you to know two things about these moodswings. Number one: the different moodswings women experience vary from woman to woman: your ex might always have been angry when on her period, but that doesn't mean your new girlfriend is going to be. She might as well just get really sad, or really tired. Number two: the moodswings may vary from one month to another. Just because your girlfriend was grumpy for seven days last month, it doesn't mean she's going to be just as grumpy this one. She might become tired all the time, cry a lot, or feel selfconcious. Be prepared for everything!
3. Know your way around pads/tampons This is crucial: almost every man, at least once during his lifetime, buys a woman pads or tampons, depending on which one she uses. For this you need to know the kind of "menstrual gear" she uses: is it tampons or pads? This is very important for her comfort. And, girls are usually very picky with the specifics. Which brand does she use? Does she use pads with wings, or without? Know these things, and you will avoid getting yelled at for getting the wrong kind of equipment.
4. "Baby, it's gross" To be completely honest: yes, you might not understand it, and yes, you can think it's gross, or even disgusting. But don't tell us, it's nothing we want to hear. Please keep this opinion to yourselves. It will not make us feel better, and will probably just hurt our feelings.
5. The Questions "Baby, am I fat?" "Do you love me?" Often times, during a period, women become insecure. Getting our period may even temporarily change our looks, bloating for example. Just be there to reassure your girl, and tell her the things you want to hear.
6. Know the signs No, not the signs of your girl getting her period. I mean: does she want to be held or left alone? Does she need to be reassured, or will it be redundant? Is she grumpy? Is she hungry or is she noxious? Knowing what each woman needs or wants without her having to vocalize it, will absolutely grant you boyfriend/brother/friend points, and will make her feel very loved. Keep in mind that every woman expresses her needs in her own way!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


You, a lonely rose in a garden of weeds,
You, a ray of sunshine during the hardest storm,
You, what light is left in the world
You, calming me when the universe crumbles
There will always be you

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Welcome to December

   November is over, and we are inching our way into December. A new year is close, and Christmas even closer, 2016 is almost to an end, and we can only wonder what experiences it will bring us. I made a short video of a few pictures from November.
   I haven't properly started my Christmas shopping, and some of the presents I'm going to get for friends and family, I haven't even chosen yet. But at the moment, there's no rush, I still have weeks to find the right gifts for the right people, and I don't feel the need to push finding them. Christmas shouldn't be stressful. I have, however, found gifts for my siblings, and chosen one for my mother.
   I'm also planning on getting some decorations for my apartment, maybe a pair of red curtains and some red candles. I'm going Christmas shopping on Monday, and I hope to find something beautiful and simple to decorate my home with.
   We've also gotten some snow again, which is nice, and gives me a really comfy, warm Christmas-y feeling. I've been walking around in thick sweaters and knitted socks for days, and I can't wait until winter properly kicks in!
   Hugs from my apartment!