1. The Christmas tree ~ I don't know if there's just something about how it glows, how it smells or decorating it, but the Christmas tree will always be a vital part of my Christmas celebrations.
2. Wrapping gifts ~ Although sometimes frustrating, wrapping gifts will always be a large personal favorite Christmas activity. From the colorful wrapping paper to imagining the face of your friends or relatives facial expressions when they open their gifts, wrapping gifts is something very special.
3. The Snow ~ I don't know if this applies to wherever you live, but I don't feel like it's truly Christmas before the ground has been covered in powdery, white fluff.
4. Gingerbread cookies ~ These cookies, and baking before Christmas is really important. The smells and the feeling of preparing something delicious is a perfect combination for holiday spirit.
5. Going to see my family ~ A new favorite, since I just moved out, this is something I'm going to look forward to each and every year.
6. The decorations ~ Something about filling your home with tiny replications of Santa Claus, the sparkling decorations for the tree and everything else fills me with holiday warmth.
7. The presents ~ Let's not lie and pretend to not be materialistic, we all look forward to the gifts. From a young age, this is the things we look forward the most, and when older, we also get to take part in the gift of giving.
8. The food ~ It's no surprise that this made the top ten list. Food is such an important part of any holiday, it would be strange if it weren't mentioned.
9. The waiting ~ No matter how frustrating, it is also one of my favourite things about this winter holiday.
10. The music ~ I'm not much for the traditional Christmas carols, Mariah Carey is not in my playlists on spotify, neither is something usually sung in church. But the Christmas music I do enjoy, is very important to me.
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