Saturday, December 3, 2016

Welcome to December

   November is over, and we are inching our way into December. A new year is close, and Christmas even closer, 2016 is almost to an end, and we can only wonder what experiences it will bring us. I made a short video of a few pictures from November.
   I haven't properly started my Christmas shopping, and some of the presents I'm going to get for friends and family, I haven't even chosen yet. But at the moment, there's no rush, I still have weeks to find the right gifts for the right people, and I don't feel the need to push finding them. Christmas shouldn't be stressful. I have, however, found gifts for my siblings, and chosen one for my mother.
   I'm also planning on getting some decorations for my apartment, maybe a pair of red curtains and some red candles. I'm going Christmas shopping on Monday, and I hope to find something beautiful and simple to decorate my home with.
   We've also gotten some snow again, which is nice, and gives me a really comfy, warm Christmas-y feeling. I've been walking around in thick sweaters and knitted socks for days, and I can't wait until winter properly kicks in!
   Hugs from my apartment!

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