Friday, October 21, 2016

Sleepless, hopeless

Bildresultat för sleep text   I fear somethings wrong with me. Tonight I got almost 9 hours of sleep. I'm still tired. I have lecture in one hour, and I'm honestly considering staying home to sleep instead of going, that's how tired I am. It's been like this for weeks, so it's nothing new either. I'm just in a constant state of "I need sleep". I'm really starting to worry about my physical health, because sleeping this much and still being tired isn't normal for me. I usually get 5-6 hours of sleep, and I'm perfectly fine. I honestly don't have side effects from "sleeping to little", but now I can't seem to get enough sleep.
   I'm considering checking in with a medical professional, just in case. I don't want my sleepyness to interfere with the upcoming tests, and I really need all the energy I can get to be able to focus on my studies. People might say the university years are the most fun in your life, but I honestly feel like the university is also one of the most stressful and timeconsuming things I have ever experienced. It's still perfectly do-able, but I suspect it won't be if I stay this tired.
   Unless my constant sleepyness reclines during the weekend, I think I'm going to call a doctor, because this is ridiculous, I'm not getting anything done because all I really want to do is sleep. I constantly tell myself "I'll have a nap, and do it later". All that really happens is, I have a nap, and I accomplish nothing but get more sleep.
   What do you do to stay alert/focused? All tips are greatly appreciated!
Sleepy hugs from my apartment!


  1. Det kan vara så att du inte får tillräckligt med djupsömn, kanske du har för mycket ytlig sömn? Med andra ord dålig kvalitet på sömnen. Det kanske man kan gissa sig till t.ex. om du vaknar till en del under natten, och/eller drömmer mycket..? Vad sen det beror på är svårt att svara på. Det finns ju receptfritt melatonin som ska vara "sömnstimulerande", kanske du kunde testa det innan du går och lägger dig under en liten period, och kanske får till mer djupsömn? Och sen se ifall det funkar att sova som vanligt eller om problemet kommer tillbaka? :)

    1. Tack för tipset!
      Jag fick veta att det finns en risk för att min trötthet är på grund av mikrober, och ska testas för det på onsdag. Om mikroberna visar sig vara oskyldiga, ska jag hålla ditt tips bakom örat :)
