I honestly never even considered this would happen to me. I'm currently giving one of my friends advice on the future. My friend has no idea what to do with their time and their life, and for some reason, they thought talking to me about it was a good idea.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really flattered that they would come to me for advice on life, but seriously... I have no idea what I'm doing. At least it feels like I don't. I wake up, attend classes, do some work, study and then go to sleep. That's about it.
Then again, I highly doubt that anyone really ever has everything figured out. I think life is 99% about thinking you have life figured out and living in the illusion that you know everything. Some people plan out their entire lives at 16. Who are they marrying, what will they study, where do they live in 20 years, what will their children look like... I've never been able to do that kind of stuff.
Of course, it's fun to imagine, for example, I would like to have a nice home with someone I love sometime in the future, but it baffles me that people can plan out their entire life and then stick to that. Honestly, I think I'd be very bored. I need change for my life to keep interesting and fun for me. I don't think you have the power to plan out your entire life, no matter what stage of life you are currently in. I think that you have to go with the flow, and be open to new ideas and paths in your life.
For example, I know a lot of people are currently applying to school either because you're graduating the previous one or because you feel like you need to change what you study, and take this as some personal advice from me. I don't have my life figured out for the next 60 years, and neither should you. What school you apply to isn't going to rule your life forever, and you can always change your mind. Some people don't figure out what they want to study until they're far into adulthood, and you have barely started yours. Life is long and meant to be enjoyed, so don't put too much pressure on yourself and think too much about your choices.
It's okay to not always know what you want.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Beauty And The Beast

I hardly think I need to explain the plot of this classic, since most of you probably know it anyway. Being a Disney movie, the original of course had a lot of musical numbers, and so did the new one, but I honestly like the new ones more. I feel like they are more catchy and I couldn't stop smiling during most of them.
The casting was perfect, the actors bearng an almost uncanny resemblance to the original characters. And of course, since the gorgeous Emma Watson was cast as Belle, Dan Stevens as the Beast and the amazing Ian McKellen as Clocksworth, the movie of course couldn't have been anything but great. Thank you for re-creating the magic!
Highly recommended for any Disney fan! (And yes, I decided to include a picture of the orginal, just for comparison.)
Friday, March 24, 2017
My Problem With Being Sick
Yes, it's going to be one of those posts. When I'm annoyed, frustrated or even just need to vent a little bit, I come to the internet. If you don't like it, there are a lot of other options in the side bar with stuff for you to read. That being said...
You'd think my problem with being sick would be that I don't have the time to get sick or that I dislike the general feeling of illness (fever, throwing up, headaches etc.), but that's only part of the problem. When I get sick, I only get bordeline-sick, meaning I get all the symptoms of the illness, but I don't get sick enough to sleep all the time, or be fine with laying in bed all day. When I get sick, my mind still doesn't rest, and suddenly, there are a lot of things that I want or even need to do, even though there wasn't any before. I suddenly have to take a walk, even though I feel like fainting from just standing up.
The other thing that bothers me so much is that sickness always seems to come when I have absolutely no time for being ill. Feeling under the weather during a period with a lot of tests, or just school work in general happens way more often than getting sick when I don't need to do anything and I've got all the time in the world for viruses and bacteria to attack me with all they've got.
I have currently been sick since Monday (with the symptoms ranging from a ridiculously sore throat to high fever), and it shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. My fever is over though, but my body still refuses to do anything more strenuous than sitting in bed sipping on a cup of tea. Each time I stand up is an adventure. Will I fall over this time, throw up or just feel exhausted when I lie back down? Nobody knows. It's a mystery, only for me to find out.
I didn't even get any sleep tonight because of feverish nightmares and a lot of pain in all of my body. However, I have a mandatory thing at school today, which means I'm going to try to sleep for a couple of hours now, if my bodily demons will let me.
You'd think my problem with being sick would be that I don't have the time to get sick or that I dislike the general feeling of illness (fever, throwing up, headaches etc.), but that's only part of the problem. When I get sick, I only get bordeline-sick, meaning I get all the symptoms of the illness, but I don't get sick enough to sleep all the time, or be fine with laying in bed all day. When I get sick, my mind still doesn't rest, and suddenly, there are a lot of things that I want or even need to do, even though there wasn't any before. I suddenly have to take a walk, even though I feel like fainting from just standing up.
The other thing that bothers me so much is that sickness always seems to come when I have absolutely no time for being ill. Feeling under the weather during a period with a lot of tests, or just school work in general happens way more often than getting sick when I don't need to do anything and I've got all the time in the world for viruses and bacteria to attack me with all they've got.
I have currently been sick since Monday (with the symptoms ranging from a ridiculously sore throat to high fever), and it shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. My fever is over though, but my body still refuses to do anything more strenuous than sitting in bed sipping on a cup of tea. Each time I stand up is an adventure. Will I fall over this time, throw up or just feel exhausted when I lie back down? Nobody knows. It's a mystery, only for me to find out.
I didn't even get any sleep tonight because of feverish nightmares and a lot of pain in all of my body. However, I have a mandatory thing at school today, which means I'm going to try to sleep for a couple of hours now, if my bodily demons will let me.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Female Negativity
I have never, an I will never, understand why some women do this. I would never give an unknown woman mean looks, and I would absolutely not go out of my way to make someone else feel bad about themselves. If you know anyone who does this, or you do it yourself... Please tell me why, because I simply don't get why you would spend your time and energy on a person you don't like or agree with. Same goes for mean comments on blogs, youtube channels and instagram photos. Why would you do that? Why don't you spend your time doing something productive, something that makes you feel good, instead of making other people feeling bad about themselves?
Trust me; putting other people down might feel good when you do it, but in a couple of years, you will regret being a bad person and not spending your time to improve yourself.
Spread positivity instead of negativity, and watch your life change around you. Don't put yourself down to lift yourself up, just lift other's up and you will feel better about yourself as well.
Hugs from my bed and goodnight!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Under Pressure
Everyone's under pressure today. Students, mothers, fathers, grandparents, lonely men... You get the point. Standards are rising higher and higher, and most of us have moments when we're scared we'll never be good enough. Some of us even get caught in dangerous loops that keep telling us that what we're doing isn't worth it, that we're not talented enough or driven, that we'll never become anything. We see pictures, movies, tv shows and ads we all want to live up to. We want to be skinny, well built, have white teeth, become rich and/or famous and find the love of our lives, preferrably right now, the sooner the better. And most of all; we don't feel like working for it. Fame and money should just come our way, like it did for Kim Kardashian.
Sadly, this isn't the truth for 99% of all celebrities. Most of them had to claw their way to the top, not all can be suddenly famous without any of the work. They started out doing small things, struggling to make a living of their art, and now they're idolized for what they've done. But more often than not, we notice all the things they have instead of all the things they did. Most people don't become an overnight sensation.
For some people, one dream isn't even enough. Johnny Depp, an actor known all over the world, has claimed his dream is making his own wine, and Stephen King keeps giving us book after book, never really finished.
We worry so much about our goals in life that other things become irrelevant. Family, friends and hobbies all fall to the side as we work towards our goals. They just don't seem to matter just as much, and we forget the people who helped us come to where we are, just because we think there are still places to go.
The truth is; there will always be new things to do, new places to go. But your true friends, your passions will only come once in a lifetime. There will be no new things once you've lost everything. Be careful who and what you spend your time doing.
Live your dream, but live it with the people who matter.
Sadly, this isn't the truth for 99% of all celebrities. Most of them had to claw their way to the top, not all can be suddenly famous without any of the work. They started out doing small things, struggling to make a living of their art, and now they're idolized for what they've done. But more often than not, we notice all the things they have instead of all the things they did. Most people don't become an overnight sensation.
For some people, one dream isn't even enough. Johnny Depp, an actor known all over the world, has claimed his dream is making his own wine, and Stephen King keeps giving us book after book, never really finished.
We worry so much about our goals in life that other things become irrelevant. Family, friends and hobbies all fall to the side as we work towards our goals. They just don't seem to matter just as much, and we forget the people who helped us come to where we are, just because we think there are still places to go.
The truth is; there will always be new things to do, new places to go. But your true friends, your passions will only come once in a lifetime. There will be no new things once you've lost everything. Be careful who and what you spend your time doing.
Live your dream, but live it with the people who matter.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Day #64 Shopping
Today, me and my sister went shopping. I'm going to upload a haul video in a few days, so I won't tell you exactly what I bought just yet, except the shirt that I shared through the picture on this blogpost. I've wanted a light pink sweater for a really long time, and I got so happy when I found the "Girls Bite Back" shirt when we were shopping. We also went to a hamburger place close to my home and had a personal favorite of mine.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Day #62 Pizza and a photoshoot

I really wish that I could eat here all the time, but my health, and my financial state as a student says no. Delicious pizza though.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Day #61 Sushi!

We dyed my hair during the evening, which is finally completely black again. I've missed my pitch black hair, and my roots were starting to come in quite terribly.

A Cure For Wellness

I would highly recommend this movie for any horror fan, as it managed to give me chills even as I was walking home from the theatre.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Day #60 A Visit
Today isn't even over yet, but I've already chosen today's positive choice. I'm getting a visit today, from my sister. Being younger than me, she still lives with our parents, so we don't see eachother a lot (there's around a 500 kilometre distance). I'm really exited about it, I think we'll have a lot of fun, and I've got a lot planned for the both of us to do. For example, today we're going to watch A Cure for Wellness, one of the movies currently in theaters. I've seen the trailer, and it's very intriguing. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations. During her visit we're also going to re-color my hair, go to some of my favorite coffee shops and restaurants, go shopping and make a sister tag video on youtube.
I really look forward to having her here, she'll be staying for five days!
I really look forward to having her here, she'll be staying for five days!
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