Thursday, March 16, 2017

Female Negativity

Bildresultat för negativity   So today I was taking a walk to return a couple of books to the library, and as I left the library, I ran into some teenage girls hanging out. Keep in mind, I didn't know them and at first I didn't pay too much attention to them. But when I walked past I heard really loud laughter, and when I turned to see what they were laughing at, I saw them looking at me and whispering to eachother. One of the girls gave me a look, and the word "mean" doesn't come near to describe the look I got from her.
   I have never, an I will never, understand why some women do this. I would never give an unknown woman mean looks, and I would absolutely not go out of my way to make someone else feel bad about themselves. If you know anyone who does this, or you do it yourself... Please tell me why, because I simply don't get why you would spend your time and energy on a person you don't like or agree with. Same goes for mean comments on blogs, youtube channels and instagram photos. Why would you do that? Why don't you spend your time doing something productive, something that makes you feel good, instead of making other people feeling bad about themselves?
   Trust me; putting other people down might feel good when you do it, but in a couple of years, you will regret being a bad person and not spending your time to improve yourself.
   Spread positivity instead of negativity, and watch your life change around you. Don't put yourself down to lift yourself up, just lift other's up and you will feel better about yourself as well.
Hugs from my bed and goodnight!

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