Thursday, August 17, 2017

Day #228

Yesterday was, in part, spent in the forest. My family all love blueberries, but no one really has the patience to pick them, so after Theo suggested that we went berry picking, it didn’t take long until we were actually were in the forest, in the fresh air looking for these delicious little treats. Him (obviously knowing the surroundings better than I did) led me to a beautiful little piece of forest where we could pick in peace. And not a day too early either; the berries were more than ready. Also being lucky enough to avoid the rain, which came down only a couple hours after, the relaxing activity went very well, as you can see. Also, please enjoy this hardly flattering picture of me bending over a cluster of blueberries!
I also spent part of today filling the little pink bucket to the edge, bringing my family a happy little surprise when I got back from my miniature vacation. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so overjoyed because of a pink container before.

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