Wednesday, July 18, 2018


   I have always thought that when I have the opportunity, I'll change the world for the better. I want to become a marine biologist to improve the lives of the animals in the ocean, if I ever get rich, I'm donating half of what I own to charity, I want to donate blood, organs and so on and so on.
   But those things are pretty far away, even the blood donation (my bloods to thin, so that sucks), but my om always taught me to help, you can't start with the big things, you have to start with smaller things. Like instead of fixing the entire world, start by fixing the smaller things around you. Many small, good deeds lead to a better big reality, and that's something that I've carried with me ever since I was kid.
   Everyone wants to change the world, it's something that's imbedded in all of us: a will to make something better, by every way we can. And if you want to change the world, you have to start small. Do something nice for your neighbor, do the dishes so that your mom can get a break, take some time and spend it with your older relatives. To make a more kind, better world, there are a lot of things we can do, but the thing is, you have to be kind to do that. So that's the place to start. To make a kind, great world, show those qualities yourself.
   Be more kind, more compassionate. Be better, and the world will respond.

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