Monday, July 30, 2018


   Guys and girls: I finally did it! I went to kummakivi, and I saw the gigantic, unique rock. We drove to the camping spot saturday, then went to Kummakivi and drove home Sunday. I really loved it, it was amazing, the journey and the beautiful landscape we drove through, it looked so different from here at home.
   So now I can cross off another thing on my bucket list, that's amazing! This is the first year I've had one and I'm already crossing so many things off from it, I feel great. I'm finally getting to a point in life where I'm getting to accomplish something and do things I've always wanted to do with my life and in my life. And the most perfect part: I have an amazing significant other who comes along on my adventures with me, how great is that?
   Next step is completing more of the things on the bucket list, but more importantly, I'm of course going to cherish the memories we made on this trip and all the things we saw.
   Also, I hope you enjoy the new video! I know I've been gone for a while, but don't worry there's an explanation coming up soon and you'll get to know and understand everything. Remember to check out my other videos by going to the youtube page here on the blog, and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on all the new uploads!

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