Today, I've spent most of my time studying, and I felt like I needed to take a break, so I decided to blog!
I'm currently watching some youtube videos on protein synthesis, so I'm technically still studying.. The videos I'm watching are genious, and I think I might just be learning some things that I might need to know for my upcoming tests. I feel like this is a lot better way of studying than just taking notes and reading, because that makes me ridiculously tired, and very, very bored.. Especially when you do it for several hours every day... Then youtube is a very refreshing break x)Today, I've finished some of the work that absolutely needed doing, including recording myself reading 4 chapters out loud, and recording it so that I can listen to those chapters later as a form of studying, while I do other things. That's actually a great tip for those of you who want to study, but also want to do other things :)
Hugs from Ostrbothnia! <3
Thank you so much <3