Okay, as you know I went to look at an apartment yesterday. I knew that a lot of other people had already showed interest in the apartment, and I was one of the last ones to do it, so I wasn't expecting something really. But as soon as I stepped into the apartment, I absolutely fell in love.
It was small and filled with natural light, amazingly cozy, with a lot of potential. It was located in an old, beautiful wooden house, less than 15 minutes from my university by foot in a pretty quiet neighbourhood. It was perfect for me, and knowing that I shouldn't get my hopes up since the odds were against me because of the number of people who had applied.
Then, last night, I get an email from the person who owns the apartment. I'm completely prepared for bad news, but when I open the email, it says I'm their favourite and they would like me to be their new tenant! First, I think I didn't read it correctly, and I read it again. They ask me to come sign the papers today, and I said yes...
I've been waiting to move into my own place for so long, and now that it's finally happening, I can barely believe it. I'm going to finally live alone. I'm going to have my own space, my own time and I won't have to share said space and time with someone else. And, I'm going to live in a place I view as ideal.
I'm honestly so happy and still kind of shocked. I'm really exited about finally living alone. I'm going to wake up without someone waking me up too early, or having to take someone elses needs into consideration whenever something needs to be done. I get to be selfish and I love the idea of just thinking about me, myself and I for a change.
Also, the fact that everything is within walking distance is absolutely great, since I value environmentalism. I can walk to school, and I can walk to every store I might ever need, pharmacies... Everything. Besides living so close to my university buildings makes it possible for me to sleep longer on school days, since the time I spend taking myself to my lectures is going to be cut in half, and I won't have to worry about missing the bus. I really dislike stressful moments in my life, and I look forward to removing another object of stress for me.
I can't wait to sign the papers!
Hugs from a very exited bluehaired new tenant!