Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Finding Happiness Through Gratitude

Some flowers seen today
   Today has been a crazy productive day (I'll tell you all about in today's vlog, which will be coming soon), and it's been another day where I've realized how extremely grateful I should be for all the things that I have. While it's true I've worked very hard for some of them (this blog, for example), others have just kind of come along and landed in my life, without me having to do very much.
   I was born with healthy legs, meaning I could go for a walk today without having to think about it. I didn't have to bring crutches, or sit in a chair while I was outside, I could just aimlessly stroll about however I wanted, that's something to be grateful for right there. I have a wonderful partner, who I just kind of happened to meet, and our relationship is completely effortless, loving and cherishing, something very few people have. A lot of couples fight, argue, or stick together simply because they have kids, but we are together because we want to. Grateful. I have a home, and I could afford to buy food today. Grateful. I have Internet so I can post this. Grateful. I had the money to buy something I both needed and wanted, which was pretty expensive. Grateful.
   We often ignore things because they're easy. We don't have to put in any effort for it to work, so why would we think twice about them? I could be in an awful relationship, where neither really loves the other. I could be without a home. I could be starving, there are so many things I could be, but I'm not, and I'm eternally grateful for that.
   But I am also immensely grateful to myself, because I always keep fighting. I honestly don't know how I do it, but no matter how many times I break down crying over stress, panic over assignments or have a sleepless night because I can't stop thinking of all the things I should/have to do, I always recover. I keep getting up when life pushes me down, wether it's my depression or anything else. I'm so grateful that a bad day now, is what a good day would look like three years ago. I'm so happy that I'm honestly able to say I'm getting better.
   Being grateful is important, no matter what it's for. Fighting, health, a home, a loved one, or something as simple as the weather being nice and that it's not raining while you're biking to work, they're all valid reasons.
   And the more we choose to be grateful for, the more we realize we have to be happy about.

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