Thursday, May 17, 2018

Raining Positivity

From a sunnier day, literally
   Today has been one of those days where the sky decided to open up and pour water down on all us innocents. And that's not even a joke, "raining buckets" would be a perfectly honest phrase to describe what's currently happening here in Åbo. And the weather was so nice when I woke up too! Now there's thunder and lightning, and raining more water than could fit in a whole new ocean.
   That doesn't really matter to me however, because I have so much to do today. Clean the apartment, get some writing done, reherse for the exam, dishes, laundry... The list goes on. We're in the middle of cleaning our apartment and decided to take a little break, me working on the balcony, Theo studying next to me. Life's good right now, right here.
   We're preparing for tomorrow. Both of us have exams before we leave, but at five, we're finally going. I'm so excited for Tallinn and I promise I will take as many pictures as my phone and camera allows me to! I haven't started packing yet, I've been far too consumed by the cleaning, but it's getting there. There's only the kitchen, the hallway and the bathroom left, and those were the least messy to begin with, so that shouldn't take too long.
   I'm also back to vlogging today, taking a break from it due to my PLE, because who wants the world to see your face when you look like you've had a severe allergic reaction and started to look like a death cap.
   So yes, despite of the awful weather, I'm actually feeling quite great. My happiness is returning, slowly but surely, and I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow/this weekend. Soon I'll be back in full, and be able to accomplish all the things I can't wait to do!

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