Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New drawing, my blog and Youtube!

This is one of the more simple drawings I made in the past two weeks, and it's also the only one. I've been slacking on drawing lately, so I decided to do something very simple. This is also one of my many OCs, aka Original Characters, because you know how much I like drawing my own creations.
The only things I really like about this drawing is the small tattoo between his collarbones, and the way his scalp turned out. I like the pattern, the texture not so much.
I hope I'll remember to draw him again, because I really feel like I could do better than this.

On another note, I had a very intense day yesterday, and I'm so tired you would honestly be able to belive I'm a zombie at this point. I'm probably going to sleep for the rest of the day before I start studying biology tomorrow.
Also, for those of you who have asked: yes, there will be a new video on my channel soon. I just need some time to relax and find new ideas, as you probably know, this half of May will be increadibly stressfull for me, because it involves a lot of planning, tests and travelling for me. I hope I'll be able to blog and vlog a little bit more than I've been doing so far, because yes, I've been very stressed and my blog and my channel had to suffer because of that. I'll try to become better at updating, hopefully daily!
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!

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