I discussed something very interesting with a couple of acquaintances yesterday. The tragid terror attack has been on my mind quite a lot lately. I want to send positive vibes to everyone affected in any way by this, and I hope that you have all found ways to cope.
Something I found very interesting about the aftermath was that the social media outrage was almost non-existent. When Paris was attacked we were met with blog posts, posts on facebook and instagram, the popular hashtag #prayforparis and a lot more. Why is it different now? Is it because the victims were russian? Because it was in St. Petersburg? I just want to know why people seem to care this time. Is the life of a russian citizen worth less than that of a Frenchman?
For the sake of unity against terrorism, I ask you to keep the russia victims of terror in your thoughts. I wish all of you the best, and I hope that soon enough the mental wounds from this will heal soon. We need to stand united in times like these, for now and in the future.
I've also thought about this a lot. It makes me sick that everyone claims to care so much, just before they suddenly stop caring, just because the attack was in a particular country...