It was extremely scary to write that post, and even more horriying to actually post it. Exposing yourself like that online, of course comes with a few risks, people know what your weaknesses are, and might make fun of them. But I have received absolutely zero messages making fun of me and what I expressed. I have, however, gotten so much positivity sent my way that I was genuinly surprised. Instagram DM's, a few comments here on the blog, snapchats from my friends and acquaintances telling me that I'm brave, that they love me and that it was well written and that they related to it.
You have no idea how nice it is to hear that someone relates to those of my struggles I decide to write about, because it means that I'm not alone in feeling the way that I do, and maybe, just maybe I've managed to feel those of you reading them like you're not as alone in doubting yourself, thinking you're stupid or that you don't like your body, whatever part you related to, know that it makes me insanely happy to hear it.
Because most of the time when we go through our social media, we see the great parts of people's lives. We see the cute coffee shops they visit, the amazing outfit they put together that particular day, the cute gift their wife or girlfriend got them, their new car and so on and so on. We only see the good parts of people's lives, which of course is positive and amazing, spread that positivity thicker than you spread nutella on bread. But also spread the real things. If you feel like talking about the reason you're sad today, please do so. If you feel like talking about your stress, don't think about what others will think about it. Talk about your issues, talk about the problems at work, talk about the chocolate you had because you were sad and sweets cheer you up. If you feel that you want to.
Because it needs to be okay to talk about the worse things in life too. It needs to be okay to not always be happy and productive, it needs to be okay to be sad, angry, stressed or feeling under the weather.
We need to share the real things too, not only the refined versions of our lives, if we feel the need to.
So thank you for supporting me, no matter what I post here, even if it's sad, or me venting about having too much to do, or me being angry at something in media. Thank you, for spreading support and love on social media, and here too. Thank you.
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