Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Coffee and Chemistry

Today's outfit!
   Today has been an amazingly social day, I've spent two hours chatting and having a really nice salad (even though we had talked about just having coffee, because since I've been so busy today, this was also my lunch) with Sara and Lotta, and I later went to an exercise for chemistry, where we went through some of the things we've been learning how to calculate while I was sick, so it was really great for me to catch up on some of the things. Huge shoutout to Nicola, who helped walk me through the processes, and put up with me asking about a million questions about the math. I owe you!
   The rest of today will be spent studying for an exam in marine ecology, and watching the game that's on tonight. I'm actually looking forward to the game for once, I think it's one of the more leasure activities I'll have today, so I'm going to appreciate every single moment of just sitting on my butt and doing absolutely nothing productive for a couple of hours. It's been a while since I've done that.
   Sidenote, look at my shirt in this picture. It's 100% new, I wore it for the first time today, and I'm in love! I actually ordered from Wish, along with a bunch of other stuff, so as soon as the other things arrive, there will be a Wish haul coming up for you guys!

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