Thursday, April 26, 2018

17 Kilometres

   Today has been such an intense day, and both my body and my mind are exhausted. I've walked 6,5 kilometers, and biked 11, and my legs are pretty much spaghetti at this point. I mean, seventeen kilometres is actually quite a feat, especially considering I'm so out of shape. The extensive biking is due to Theo needing a new mouse for his computer, so we decided to bike to Raisio and back to get him one. We stopped at IKEA for some hotdogs, and it was actually really nice weather, though it turned out I had eaten too little, so I got a tiny bit nauseous, but as soon as I ate a little it went away!
   As for the mind part, I started my day at half past seven, going to chemistry class, and after that I completed some calculations for said class, and studied for tomorrows exam for a grand total of three hours. I've also made an important phone call today, and mailed my contract for my summer job.
   So yes, after being awake for fifteen hours going through everything from drinking free coffee at a mall, travelling 17 kilometres, studying for what became a total of almost seven hours, I'm insanely tired, and I think I have the right to be. I can honestly tell you that there's nothing I'm looking forward to as much as falling asleep.
The gorgeous sunset today!

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