Monday, April 2, 2018

Back To Åbo

I've acted as a jungle gym for the cats
   I'm feeling better today. My nose is still runny af, but my headache is not as bad as yesterday, and my head feels clearer, meaning there's a video coming up or you guys today! I haven't been able to edit/render/post during the weekend, since I've either been busy catching up with people or my head's been exploding.
   Today is also the day I go back to Åbo, but this time I'm only staying for two months before I get to come back here for summer break. I feel a bit sad about going back, I'll miss my family, but as my mom told me today, at least I'm going back to something that makes me happy, something I'm passionate about.
   Despite being sick the entire weekend, I managed to have a pretty good time while I was home, even though I slept a lot. Yesterday I went for a small walk in the forest (not too far though, did not want to tire myself out) and I realize I really miss the quiet that it provides. The noises of the city are not really as peaceful as the sounds of the forest, birds chirping and cars honking are really not the same.
   We also played a very passionate game of Alias. There's never more yelling in this house than when we play Alias, and I actually managed to win, yay! I actually really like the game, and I think I'm pretty good at it.
I won, wohoo!
   I'm not looking forward to the train ride. I don't like travelling when I'm sick, it kind of takes away the pleasure of travelling. But since I'm better today, maybe I'll be okay. I'm thinking about editing on the train actually, to have it done by the time I get back to Åbo.
   Of course, I'm also looking forward to seeing Theo again, because we haven't really been able to spend time with just eachother the past four days, something we both value and that makes both of us happier and feel more at ease. I've also missed sleeping in my own bed, though I have a bed here too, it's really not the same. The one in the apartment is more comfortable, and what's more: it's actually mine.
   However, I'm really happy about the fact that I'll get to come back for summer. I've missed being here.

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