I started my day at seven thirthy (which is already quite an accomplishment on it's own when you sleep as bad as I have the past few days) when I got up to go to school. Today we had something pretty special, which was birdwatching, one of the perks of studying biology. I'm actually taking this class with first year students and a couple of older ones, which was both nice, and a challenge for me, because it meant that I kinda had to talk to new people. And I did so well, and learned so many names! (Something that's not very easy for someone like me, definitely a sign of me becoming better).
After that (we managed to see about 40 different kinds of birds, holy crap!), me and one of the other students, Petra had about half an hour before we had to attend an exam so we decided to go for coffee. The coffee was awful, but the company was a lot better. Again, more social interaction, go me!
The exam passed and it was time to go home, but not before I quickly swung by one of the rooms in Biocity that is dedicated to students hanging out, and talked to two of my classmates for a minute. I don't really know them all that well, so that was also quite an accomplishment for me, and I was so proud of myself for doing that.
And then, since I've been home, I've managed to study for two solid hours, cook dinner, and write this blogpost, while being a supportive girlfriend and watching the Liverpool game with my boyfriend.
These may not seem like such extra-ordinary things to you. But for me, who oftentimes finds it draining to be around people (not because I don't like them, mind you), being around people for what actually became close to eight hours before going home, and then working the entire night afterwards, is quite the feat. I'm really taking this day as a sign that I'm actually getting better, that I can beat this, and that I'll be able to get well.
I am so proud of you <3