Saturday, June 25, 2016

Around The Corner

(Enjoy this old picture of me and my wifey)
   I've just celebrated midsummer, and soon enough June will be over, July is just around the corner. July will be packed with events for me, a lot of travelling. In fact, I'll be spending half of July in Sweden.
1st of July is the date I'll know for sure if I get into the school I attempted to get inot.
   4th of July to 8th of July will be spent on Biskops Arnö with the other authors, and I really look forward to it. I will be flying to Arlanda from here, and spend a whole five days doing what I love: writing.
   8th to 12th will be spent with my boyfriend in Göteborg in Sweden, and it will be the first time ever I visit that particular city. I'm really exited, and I look forward to seeing Konrad again, of course.
   After visiting Göteborg, I will fly back home for a few days, before hitting the road again, this time with my family. I will be travelling to Stockholm with them, and spending some time there as well.
After that, it'll be time for me to move out of my parents house, and go on to a completely new home.
   I'm so exited for everything that's going to happen in the near future, and I'm so happy that I've got the opportunity to experience all of this... I can't wait to see how all of it turns out! And of course, I will keep you updated on all of it ;)
   Also, today does not feel like a Saturday... I feel like it should be a weekday, like monday or something. I don't know why though.


  1. E de säkert att du ska flytta eller e de bara spekulationer om du mot förmodan skulle slippa in till skolan? Ifall du int slipper in, va gör du då?

    1. Jag kommer antagligen att flytta oberoende av om jag kommer in eller inte, eftersom det känns som att det är dags för mig att hitta ett eget hem. Som plan B har jag helt enkelt att flytta ut och börja jobba.
