Sunday, June 26, 2016

Todays Summer Activity!

Today, we went to the beach ("we" meaning 4/5 of the family) since the weather was excellent and extremely hot. I even managed to go swimming, even though I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to cold water (for some reason, I get cold very quickly in the water unless it's extremely warm) and I realised I've really missed going swimming. It was intensely fun, playing around with my family in the water and playing a little bit of catch with my brother.
I will probably start going a lot more often, as it's great exercise and a lot of fun! I'm already looking forward to the next time I'm going, though I don't know when it'll be yet. Hopefully, the weather will continue to be this good, so that I can go swimming soon again!
I also realised there are a lot of paths that I haven't explored yet, and decided to go explore at least some those, some time the incoming week before I have to start preparing for my trip to Sweden!

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