Clary wishes her life could go back to normal, to before her brother turned up out of the blue, before her mother was in a coma, when life was actually normal. But she can't go back, and her newfound friends make it worth the struggles of life as a Shadowhunter. Jace, Alec and Isabelle are loyal, fun (though oftentimes annoying, especially Jace) and she finds great company among them.
Though soon enough, it becomes increadibly clear that something's brewing in the world of Downworlders. Creatures are being found, drained of blood, and this time, the vampires are not to blame.
When it came to reading this book, I actully went about it in a way that's completely new to me: I read it as an audio book (yes, I have never read an entire audio book before). The experience was excellent, and I found that listening to the story gave just as vivid images throughout the story as reading it myself would have given.
Cassandra Clare is quite the queen of twists, which becomes evident several times throughout the book. She manages to balance perfectly on the fine line between too many and too few twists, and the characters remain just as lovable and relatable as always throughout the twists. The character developement is evident already in the beginning of the second book, which gives way for a richer experience, and new characters are presented in a suiting pace. The plot, with a cheesy, romantic sub-plot, remains as excellent as in the first book.
Highly recommended for any fantasy fan!
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