Something I've noticed during my time on this ball of dirt called Earth, is that people who have a mental illness, are really afraid to share it. If you, currently reading this, have any kind of mental issues, hear me loud and clear, when I say:
you have nothing to be ashamed of. If anyone gets mad at you for sharing your mental issues with them, you shouldn't care, because your illness is yours, not anyone else's. You choose what you want to share, and who you share it with.
There is also this stigma, that mental issues shouldn't be spoken of, that they should be kept inside, completely to yourself (and for some, that's perfectly fine, because they don't feel the need to share their issues with other people), but those who want to share, want to tell someone how they feel often feel like they shouldn't, or arent allowed, just because society says that we shouldn't speak of this. For some people, keeping their issues inside are more harmful than talking about them.
A personal friend of mine (name not mentioned because I don't want to get him in trouble), told me that he tried talking about his mental sickness with his girlfriend, and she told him she didn't want to be a part of his sickness, that him being mentally ill made her uncomfortable, and that she wouldn't prefer if he kept all of it to himself. I told him his girlfriend is an asshole. If you're dating someone you know has a mental illness, don't get mad when they try to talk about it, because that means they trust you enough to talk about something that is really hard for them.
And that goes for everyone. If someone tells you that they have a mental illness, if someone is willing to share something that personal, it's a huge step for them. Being honest about personal things is really hard, especially when there's so much controversy around them. If someone shares their mental illness, be proud of them. Don't judge them, be encouraging and caring towards them instead.
Spread love, not hate. Be encouraging and loving, and people will encourage and love you.