Sunday, January 29, 2017

Day #29

Bildresultat för hiatus
   Today, I decided to go on hiatus from all of social media. My blog, my youtube channel, my instagram, snapchat.. Everything was simply stressing me out way too much, way to easily, and I really need to do something else for a while. I'm going to focus on getting well from my cold, sleeping better, clearing my mind from all the clutter, making everything a little bit cleaner and more neat. I love my blog, I love everything I do on social media, but at the moment it's just a bit too much. Everything has grown so fast for me, I need to take a moment and just relax.
Please don't take this as me being ungrateful. I'm just overwhelmed, and at the moment, I need a break. I will be back soon, this is for my own health. The New Year's resolution posts will be uploaded when I decide to come back from my break.

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