So, this Saturday, I participated in the Turku Pride parade, which was really interesting, really fun and an amazing experience. The people participating had amazing spirit, and a lot of energy. I've never been to a pride parade before, or even seen one, and I had a really fascinating and great first experience!
Meeting up with likeminded people who support the same things you do, especially in such large numbers, is always an amazing occurance. Being part of such a large group with such an important message and such a fighting spirit is something truely unique, and I'd love for all of you to experience it for yourselves, if you haven't done it yet. If you have been to a pride parade or anything similar, please leave a comment with your experiences below, because I'd really like to know!
As a final note I would like to say this: being gay, bisexual, asexual or any other sexuality is just as normal as liking a specific type of food. Your sexuality is valid and real, and you should never be harmed, degraded or harmed in any other way because of who you are or what sexuality you have. Having equal rights for all sexualities is one of the biggest matters in our society right now, because equality is one of the corner stones of a great community, which is the foundation for a good state.
Love should not be a priveledge, it should be a right.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
So now that the move is starting to be a part of the past, I can surely say that I'm going to enjoy living in Åbo. I enjoy my surroundings, the centre of the city is absolutely marvelous and I have even managed to find a few people my own age, which is brilliant. The only thing I am still not pleased with is the apartment, but I assume it the issue will be resolved soon.
I have even managed not to fall into the trap that a lot of students do; eating the same, cheap foods over and over again. Sure, I do keep the cost of my food to a minimum, but I have been able to eat a pretty wide variety of meals during my stay in the new city, and I will continue to do so. I don't want to end up having a lack of nutrients in my body.
The city itself is absolutely amazing, I could go on talking about it forever. I love the architecture, the old buildings, the library, the church... Everything is just marvelous to me, and I doubt that feeling will ever be reduced. There is so much to do here, so much to see and so many people to meet. I can't imagine getting tired of a city like Åbo, I can't wait to see what kind of experiences I might have here.
Today I have a lot of me-time on the schedule, which is going to be nice, I haven't had a lot of time for relaxation in a while, and I feel that it's really needed. Sure, there's cooking and laundrary to do, but other than that, I don't have a lot of "have-to"s today, which always nice. We all need a little time to ourselves every once in a while, just to unwind.
I have even managed not to fall into the trap that a lot of students do; eating the same, cheap foods over and over again. Sure, I do keep the cost of my food to a minimum, but I have been able to eat a pretty wide variety of meals during my stay in the new city, and I will continue to do so. I don't want to end up having a lack of nutrients in my body.
The city itself is absolutely amazing, I could go on talking about it forever. I love the architecture, the old buildings, the library, the church... Everything is just marvelous to me, and I doubt that feeling will ever be reduced. There is so much to do here, so much to see and so many people to meet. I can't imagine getting tired of a city like Åbo, I can't wait to see what kind of experiences I might have here.
Today I have a lot of me-time on the schedule, which is going to be nice, I haven't had a lot of time for relaxation in a while, and I feel that it's really needed. Sure, there's cooking and laundrary to do, but other than that, I don't have a lot of "have-to"s today, which always nice. We all need a little time to ourselves every once in a while, just to unwind.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Första dygnet i Åbo
Igår klockan 16.54 kom jag fram till min studiestad, och välkomnades på tågstationen av en av mina hyresvärdar. Vi åkte buss till deras lägenhet, och jag fick göra mig hemmastadd innan de bjöd mig på middag.
Nu har jag snart varit i Åbo ett dygn, och har börjat vänja mig vid de kvarteren som ligger närmast lägenheten där jag för tillfället hyr ett rum. Jag har väldigt fin utsikt, står man rätt ser man till och med domkyrkans torn från mitt fönster, och det ser väldigt vackert ut på natten när stadens alla lampor lyser upp. Höghuset är dessutom omgivet av klippor, så förstås har jag spenderat en hel del tid med att klättra upp och ner för dem.
Har också handlat mat för första gången, och är väldigt nöjd med resultatet. Mycket frukt och grönsaker, sitter just nu och mumsar i mig vindruvor. Har inget internet till datorn än, men så länge jag använder mobilen som wifi-hotspot går det hur bra som helst ändå!
Har redan tagit två ganska långa promenader i området, och tycker jag börjar känna till det ganska bra. Hittar numera tillbaka till rätt höghus utan att behöva använda karta (jag bor på 8:nde våningen!) och jag hittar till de närmaste matbutikerna utan större problem.
Något annat som jag ser som ett litet plus i kanten är de fem Pokéstops som ligger i närheten (ja, jag spelar fortfarande Pokémon Go) och att man hittar så många fler Pokémons här i Åbo än jag gjorde innan jag flyttade. Känns faktiskt roligt att vara ute och leta efter de små krabaterna, nu när man faktiskt hittar dem också!
Imorgon funderar jag på att åka in till stan, och besöka biblioteket, eller att besöka den simhall som ligger ett par stenkast från höghuset. Programmet är i nuvarande läge öppet, men jag är säker på att det kommer att hända någonting intressant.
Nu har jag snart varit i Åbo ett dygn, och har börjat vänja mig vid de kvarteren som ligger närmast lägenheten där jag för tillfället hyr ett rum. Jag har väldigt fin utsikt, står man rätt ser man till och med domkyrkans torn från mitt fönster, och det ser väldigt vackert ut på natten när stadens alla lampor lyser upp. Höghuset är dessutom omgivet av klippor, så förstås har jag spenderat en hel del tid med att klättra upp och ner för dem.
Har också handlat mat för första gången, och är väldigt nöjd med resultatet. Mycket frukt och grönsaker, sitter just nu och mumsar i mig vindruvor. Har inget internet till datorn än, men så länge jag använder mobilen som wifi-hotspot går det hur bra som helst ändå!
Har redan tagit två ganska långa promenader i området, och tycker jag börjar känna till det ganska bra. Hittar numera tillbaka till rätt höghus utan att behöva använda karta (jag bor på 8:nde våningen!) och jag hittar till de närmaste matbutikerna utan större problem.
Något annat som jag ser som ett litet plus i kanten är de fem Pokéstops som ligger i närheten (ja, jag spelar fortfarande Pokémon Go) och att man hittar så många fler Pokémons här i Åbo än jag gjorde innan jag flyttade. Känns faktiskt roligt att vara ute och leta efter de små krabaterna, nu när man faktiskt hittar dem också!
Imorgon funderar jag på att åka in till stan, och besöka biblioteket, eller att besöka den simhall som ligger ett par stenkast från höghuset. Programmet är i nuvarande läge öppet, men jag är säker på att det kommer att hända någonting intressant.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Så mycket har hänt under den här korta, korta dagen. Typ tusen gånger mer saker än jag förväntade mig när jag klev ur sängen i morse.
För det första så har jag fått tag på de människorna jag ska bo på hos när jag kommer till Åbo, och nu har vi äntligen fått saker och ting fastspikade. Jag har officiellt en bostad! Jag har någonstans att vistas när jag inte är på universitetet! Det känns så härligt att veta vart man ska ta vägen.
För det andra: jag har ett officiellt datum när jag ska flytta! Jag flyttar till min nya bostad på söndag! Jag ska ta tåget ner till Åbo, och ska få med mig alla nödvändigheter på sagda tåg. Jag har bokat min biljett och ska börja packa om så att jag får med mig alla saker jag behöver... Sedan är allt ordnat!
Och den tredje nyheten som inte har kommit upp på bloggen tidigare: jag har sökt jobb! Och jag har bokat in två arbetsintervjuer till nästa vecka! Jag känner mig så vuxen och ansvarsfull (sedan när har jag blivit vuxen och ansvarsfull? Hjälp..), och trots att oddsen är emot mig eftersom Åbo är en så stor stad och tiotals personer kommer söka samma jobb som jag söker, är jag väldigt taggad på att få gå på arbetsintervjuer. Det ska bli så intressant att få testa sådant också, dessutom var det ju ett tag jag var engagerad i ett jobb.
Så ja, mitt liv börjar ordna upp sig nu igen och jag har fortfarande kvar inställningen att allt kommer ordna sig. Jag är så taggad på att packa, komma iväg och faktiskt påbörja ett helt nytt kapitel i mitt liv.
Tack för ert enorma stöd. Kramar från Österbotten (fram till Söndag!) <3
För det första så har jag fått tag på de människorna jag ska bo på hos när jag kommer till Åbo, och nu har vi äntligen fått saker och ting fastspikade. Jag har officiellt en bostad! Jag har någonstans att vistas när jag inte är på universitetet! Det känns så härligt att veta vart man ska ta vägen.
För det andra: jag har ett officiellt datum när jag ska flytta! Jag flyttar till min nya bostad på söndag! Jag ska ta tåget ner till Åbo, och ska få med mig alla nödvändigheter på sagda tåg. Jag har bokat min biljett och ska börja packa om så att jag får med mig alla saker jag behöver... Sedan är allt ordnat!
Och den tredje nyheten som inte har kommit upp på bloggen tidigare: jag har sökt jobb! Och jag har bokat in två arbetsintervjuer till nästa vecka! Jag känner mig så vuxen och ansvarsfull (sedan när har jag blivit vuxen och ansvarsfull? Hjälp..), och trots att oddsen är emot mig eftersom Åbo är en så stor stad och tiotals personer kommer söka samma jobb som jag söker, är jag väldigt taggad på att få gå på arbetsintervjuer. Det ska bli så intressant att få testa sådant också, dessutom var det ju ett tag jag var engagerad i ett jobb.
Så ja, mitt liv börjar ordna upp sig nu igen och jag har fortfarande kvar inställningen att allt kommer ordna sig. Jag är så taggad på att packa, komma iväg och faktiskt påbörja ett helt nytt kapitel i mitt liv.
Tack för ert enorma stöd. Kramar från Österbotten (fram till Söndag!) <3
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
"Social Media Isn't a Job"
So this is something me and other bloggers (yes, even though I don't do this as a job) hear a lot. Spending a lot of time on the Internet, this is a comment popping up on forums, youtube, blogs, instagram... And I just don't get it.
First of all; these people do not have any kind of idea about the amount of time that goes into managing a large blog, a youtube channel or anything in that direction. For example; I spend around 3-4 hours on my blog, commenting, making posts, replying to feedback... And my blog isn't even large. The youtube videos I make (which are really simple, easy and not that complicated) take around 1-2 hours depending on the video to film, edit and upload. And for a professional, who actually makes a living from their social media, spend a lot more time on social media. For example: a youtuber does not only film, edit and upload videos, they read comments, tweets, reply to feedback, analyze statistics, discuss sponsorships, and spend tons of time making their material better and better all the time.
And the word "job" is defined as a post of employment and "employment" is an occupation by which a person earns a living. And if you are a professional youtuber, you earn a living doing your youtube videos. If you are a professional blogger, you make a living writing posts and managing a blog.
Just because working with social media, managing your accounts, videos or blogs are a new profession, it does not make it any more valuable or honorable. Personally, I think that no matter what you do (as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process), you are increadibly lucky if you do something that you love for a living.
Just stop putting down people on the count of their career. What people do for a living is their choice, not yours and you shouldn't disrespect them because of that choice. If people are doing something that they love for a living, they are among a lucky few. If I ever, ever, end up doing something I really love as a profession, I will consider myself the luckiest people in the world.
Being a professional youtuber or blogger is just as valid as any other, more traditional job!
First of all; these people do not have any kind of idea about the amount of time that goes into managing a large blog, a youtube channel or anything in that direction. For example; I spend around 3-4 hours on my blog, commenting, making posts, replying to feedback... And my blog isn't even large. The youtube videos I make (which are really simple, easy and not that complicated) take around 1-2 hours depending on the video to film, edit and upload. And for a professional, who actually makes a living from their social media, spend a lot more time on social media. For example: a youtuber does not only film, edit and upload videos, they read comments, tweets, reply to feedback, analyze statistics, discuss sponsorships, and spend tons of time making their material better and better all the time.
And the word "job" is defined as a post of employment and "employment" is an occupation by which a person earns a living. And if you are a professional youtuber, you earn a living doing your youtube videos. If you are a professional blogger, you make a living writing posts and managing a blog.
Just because working with social media, managing your accounts, videos or blogs are a new profession, it does not make it any more valuable or honorable. Personally, I think that no matter what you do (as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process), you are increadibly lucky if you do something that you love for a living.
Just stop putting down people on the count of their career. What people do for a living is their choice, not yours and you shouldn't disrespect them because of that choice. If people are doing something that they love for a living, they are among a lucky few. If I ever, ever, end up doing something I really love as a profession, I will consider myself the luckiest people in the world.
Being a professional youtuber or blogger is just as valid as any other, more traditional job!
Uppdatering: Min bostad
Som ni vet, så har jag haft en del problem med projektet gällande att hitta bostad i Åbo (om ni inte vet det kan ni klicka er vidare till detta inlägg för att läsa om det). Men nu börjar jag äntligen se ljuset i slutet av tunneln. Vill börja med att tacka alla er som engagerat er, oberoende av om ni visat sympati och stöd eller kommit med både smarta och kreativa förslag på var jag kan hitta boende, eller till och med skickat tips på lägenheter. Mängden respons har varit överväldigande, och det känns otroligt bra att ha så här många människors stöd. Er hjälp och ert stöd betyder otroligt mycket för mig!
Nu börjar valet av bostad vara gjort, och det återstående är att packa mina saker, komma överens om alla detaljer kring flytten och sen det att faktiskt komma iväg. Efter alla problem och all stress känns det nästan overkligt att faktiskt få komma iväg.
Från början var det ju tänkt att jag skulle dela en lägenhet tillsammans med en annan ung kvinna, men det blir en annan form av boende som gäller för mig åtminstone de första veckorna i Åbo. Som det ser ut nu (för det är fortfarande inte fastspikat) kommer jag att hyra ett rum i ett hus som ägs av ett äldre par, något som jag tycker är en väldigt bra första lösning.
Förstås så är det här tillfälligt (alla ni som känner mig personligen vet hur stort behov jag har av eget utrymme och att få vara för mig själv med jämna mellanrum), och jag kommer att flytta till något eget eller delat så snart jag får möjligheten och det verkar som ett logiskt beslut att byta bostad.
I nuläget är jag ärligt talat nöjd bara jag lyckas komma iväg och faktiskt kan börja studera. Jag skulle förstås föredra att få med mig allt på en gång, att kunna bo ensam och att kunna skapa mitt nya hem från grunden (vem skulle inte föredra det) men just nu så går det inte, och jag har accepterat det.
Jag ser fortfarande flytten som något positivt och spännande, även om det inte riktigt blev som jag ursprungligen hade tänkt mig. Jag kommer förstås att vlogga om flytten och hålla er uppdaterade om alla detaljer kring den.
Kramar från Österbotten!
Nu börjar valet av bostad vara gjort, och det återstående är att packa mina saker, komma överens om alla detaljer kring flytten och sen det att faktiskt komma iväg. Efter alla problem och all stress känns det nästan overkligt att faktiskt få komma iväg.
Från början var det ju tänkt att jag skulle dela en lägenhet tillsammans med en annan ung kvinna, men det blir en annan form av boende som gäller för mig åtminstone de första veckorna i Åbo. Som det ser ut nu (för det är fortfarande inte fastspikat) kommer jag att hyra ett rum i ett hus som ägs av ett äldre par, något som jag tycker är en väldigt bra första lösning.
Förstås så är det här tillfälligt (alla ni som känner mig personligen vet hur stort behov jag har av eget utrymme och att få vara för mig själv med jämna mellanrum), och jag kommer att flytta till något eget eller delat så snart jag får möjligheten och det verkar som ett logiskt beslut att byta bostad.
I nuläget är jag ärligt talat nöjd bara jag lyckas komma iväg och faktiskt kan börja studera. Jag skulle förstås föredra att få med mig allt på en gång, att kunna bo ensam och att kunna skapa mitt nya hem från grunden (vem skulle inte föredra det) men just nu så går det inte, och jag har accepterat det.
Jag ser fortfarande flytten som något positivt och spännande, även om det inte riktigt blev som jag ursprungligen hade tänkt mig. Jag kommer förstås att vlogga om flytten och hålla er uppdaterade om alla detaljer kring den.
Kramar från Österbotten!
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Nu är jag förbannad
Ibland har man att göra med sådana människor som förtjänar att bli slagna i ansiktet med en stol... Idag har jag blivit utsatt för en sådan människa,
Som ni vet, så var det planerat att jag skulle flytta den 13e den här månaden, alltså den här lördagen, om två dagar... Jag säger "var" eftersom mina planer blivit riktigt rubbade. Jag kommer inte att flytta den här lördagen, och jag är riktigt arg över det här.
Jag hade blivit lovad en riktigt fin lägenhet, i utkanten av Åbo, planerat det tillsammans med hyresvärden i ett antal veckor, och bekräftade att jag skulle flytta lite över en vecka sedan. Idag får jag dock meddelande om att någon annan har fått lägenheten istället för mig, och nu bor där istället. Jag meddelade ca. 1½ vecka innan lördagen till hyresvärden (som kommer förbli namnlös genom inlägget) att jag kommer att flytta på lördag, och fick grönt ljus från henne. Jag har packat, förberett mig och mentalt blivit redo att flytta... Bara att åka i övermorgon då... Eller inte!
Det är inte det att jag inte fick just den här lägenheten som jag är så arg över, det är det att jag hade blivit lovad en lägenhet och inte fick den ändå. Det är 10 dagar tills jag måste, verkligen måste vara i Åbo, och jag har ingen lägenhet. Det känns väldigt otryggt och jag blir otroligt stressad av det. För att inte tala om otroligt arg. Känns som ett stort slag i ansiktet, och jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska göra för att kunna flytta när jag verkligen måste göra det.
Men nåja, jag försöker hålla en positiv attityd ändå, och jag är övertygad om att jag kommer att klara av det här också, trots att det antagligen kommer att bli problematiskt och det kommer att vara väldigt ansträngande för alla inblandade.
Så om någon av er som läser detta har något tips på hur man får tag på en lägenhet på tio dagar.. Så får ni gärna dela med er!
Som ni vet, så var det planerat att jag skulle flytta den 13e den här månaden, alltså den här lördagen, om två dagar... Jag säger "var" eftersom mina planer blivit riktigt rubbade. Jag kommer inte att flytta den här lördagen, och jag är riktigt arg över det här.
Jag hade blivit lovad en riktigt fin lägenhet, i utkanten av Åbo, planerat det tillsammans med hyresvärden i ett antal veckor, och bekräftade att jag skulle flytta lite över en vecka sedan. Idag får jag dock meddelande om att någon annan har fått lägenheten istället för mig, och nu bor där istället. Jag meddelade ca. 1½ vecka innan lördagen till hyresvärden (som kommer förbli namnlös genom inlägget) att jag kommer att flytta på lördag, och fick grönt ljus från henne. Jag har packat, förberett mig och mentalt blivit redo att flytta... Bara att åka i övermorgon då... Eller inte!
Det är inte det att jag inte fick just den här lägenheten som jag är så arg över, det är det att jag hade blivit lovad en lägenhet och inte fick den ändå. Det är 10 dagar tills jag måste, verkligen måste vara i Åbo, och jag har ingen lägenhet. Det känns väldigt otryggt och jag blir otroligt stressad av det. För att inte tala om otroligt arg. Känns som ett stort slag i ansiktet, och jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska göra för att kunna flytta när jag verkligen måste göra det.
Men nåja, jag försöker hålla en positiv attityd ändå, och jag är övertygad om att jag kommer att klara av det här också, trots att det antagligen kommer att bli problematiskt och det kommer att vara väldigt ansträngande för alla inblandade.
Så om någon av er som läser detta har något tips på hur man får tag på en lägenhet på tio dagar.. Så får ni gärna dela med er!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
En sista cigarett
Han står under gatlyktan nere vid
hörnet. Husnumret är 33, mer kommer han inte ihåg. Snön har
dessutom lagt sig i ett tjockt täcke över gatunamnet. Han orkar
inte borsta av det heller och kontrollera var han egentligen är.
Kappan är tjock, men inte ens nära varm nog för en kväll som det
här. Eller är det natt? Beror på vem man frågar, klockan är i
alla fall ungefär elva på kvällen.
Han lutar sig mot lyktstolpen,
snöflingorna faller i hans hår och lägger sig där. Inte
tillräckligt nära skalpen för att smälta av kroppsvärmen. Det är
som om de bara vilade sig där, som om de kommer att fortsätta
vidare när som helst. Bara frigöra sig från håret, segla iväg
över det snötäckta Stockholm och landa någon annanstans. Vara en
del av en stor snöhög imorgon, när snöplogen för första gången
kommer att hemsöka gatorna och lämna farliga murar av snö som
minskar bilisternas sikt ännu mer. Men nej, de sitter envist kvar i
hans hår.
Han lutar huvudet neråt, kupar ena
handen över cigaretten medan han tänder den. Han skyddar glöden
från vinden som inte finns. Ungefär som när han var barn, och
teddybjörnen i sängen skyddade mot monstren som inte fanns i
garderoben. Så liten och bräcklig, ändå ett utmärkt skydd mot
omvärlden. Han har aldrig förstått det där.
Han drar ett bloss, kommer ihåg den
första cigaretten han någonsin rökte. Hur mycket han hostade, men
också gemenskapen han kände med kamraterna, som var några år
äldre och redan rökte dagligen. Han minns den känslan. Gemenskap.
Acceptans. När han var i den åldern, kunde han knappt vänta på
att få bli vuxen. På att flytta hemifrån, slippa mamman och
småsyskonen. Nu har han gjort det, och det gör ingen skillnad. Han
träffar dem lika mycket nu som då, av andra orsaker bara.
Han drar ännu ett bloss, blåser ut
röken mot himlen. Den gråvita röken utgör en nästan vacker
kontrast mot den mörka himlen. Han vet hur farligt det är, gifterna
som finns i tobaken, hur enkelt man kan få cancer av det. Han har
slutat lyssna, slutat bry sig. Han gillar det, och vill behålla det.
Så enkelt är det bara. Röken ringlar sig mot stjärnorna, de få
som syns. Stadens ljus blockerar nästan alla stjärnor, bara de
klaraste kan ses från gatuhörnet där han står. Han undrar hur
många man skulle se utanför stan en sådan här natt. Hundratals,
kanske till och med tusentals. Han är nyfiken, har nästan lust att
gå tillbaka till lägenheten, hämta bilnyckeln och åka till något
avlägsnare ställe, och bara räkna stjärnorna tills det blir dag
Cigaretten har han rökt färdigt, och
han håller en kort inre debatt om huruvida han ska tända en ny
eller inte. Det finns en kvar i ytterrocken. En till skulle knappast
skada honom mer än alla de tusentals han rökt tidigare. Inte så
farligt, tror han. Men av någon anledning gör han inte det. Han gör
raka motsatsen. Han tar upp tobakspaketet ur innerfickan på rocken,
och kastar det i en soptunna som står bredvid honom. Bara sådär.
Utan logik, utan orsak. Han gillar att göra sådana saker, men
ibland anar han att det kanske finns en orsak där bakom trots allt.
Att det är en sådan, som han inte riktigt kan få grepp om.
Han känner sig lite naken utan sitt
paket med cigaretter, men han går ändå därifrån utan att kolla
efter paketet. Snön dalar fortfarande, men det är inte tillräckligt
kallt för att det ska knarra under fotsulorna på hans skor. Han
saknar det ljudet, det var länge sedan snön knarrade i den här
stan. Antingen har folk redan trampat ner den, eller så är det för
varmt för att det där behagliga ljudet ska uppstå.
Han stannar av någon orsak vid en bro.
Den är liten, gjord av trä. Han förstår inte hur en sådan bro
fått stå kvar i en så pass modern stad. Men kvar står den, bron,
och när han ser ner mot vattenytan, ser han sin spegelbind. De ljusa
ögonen, det rufsiga svarta håret med snöflingorna i... Han ser den
luggslitna rocken, och undrar, precis som alltid, om folk tror att
han är en uteliggare när de ser honom. Med rocken på är det
enkelt att missta honom för en sådan.
Det isande kalla vattnet rinner snabbt
under bron, nästan forsar. Han ler försiktigt, ett sådant leende
som fastnar i den ena mungipan och inte riktigt verkar komma längre.
Leendet bara existerar där, och han finner det roande. Han får det
inte att försvinna heller, så han ger sig, låter det vara.
Han tar tag i en lyktstolpe och lutar
sig över kanten. Han ler bredare, han älskar känslan av när
blodet rusar till huvudet. Det får honom att känna sig yr och
klarvaken samtidigt. Och mest av allt, får det honom att känna sig
I det ögonblicket slutar han att
tänka. I en enda rörelse tar han tag om räcket på bron, och
hoppar ner i det isande vattnet. Det bränner en stund, men inom
några ögonblick är han behagligt borta. Han hinner inte ens börja tänka innan han gjort det han skulle den här natten, utom att röka
den där sista cigaretten.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
was an old mirror, victorian with silver edges, curls adding up to
something that made the silhuett of the ocean. He knew at once, it
was the one. She would love it, the perfect gift for the perfect
woman. He brought it to the cashier and asked about it.
from like.. the 20's or something, used to hang in Crawford Manor.
Nice piece, just the right amount of creepy.” the cashier said,
smiling toward Dominic.
actually find it beautiful.” Dominic replied, smiling at the young
woman.”Did you know, back in the day people used to say that
mirrors were powerful enough to trap a soul, once it had been
released from it's body?”
”You mean when the person was dead, the soul went into the mirror?”
”Yes. They even went far enough that they covered every reflecting surface in their homes to make sure the people they loved made it to heaven.” Dominic said as the cashier wrapped paper around the mirror and put it in a bag with the thrift store's name on it, Out With the Old.
”You mean when the person was dead, the soul went into the mirror?”
”Yes. They even went far enough that they covered every reflecting surface in their homes to make sure the people they loved made it to heaven.” Dominic said as the cashier wrapped paper around the mirror and put it in a bag with the thrift store's name on it, Out With the Old.
do have a tendency to take the occult to strange levels.” the
cashier smiled as he payed for the mirror.
a nice day sir!” she shouted as the door to the stor swung shut
between him and her, and Dominic felt a smile on his lips. Few things
could brighten his day as much as friendly people. He knew that it
was part of her job to treat customers well and be kind to them, but
he could also tell it was in her character. He had what some called
”people skills”. Personally, he preferred to say that he had the
ability to read people.
walked down the street in a leasury pace; at his age, there was no
longer a place to hurry to. He had come to the point where he
realised that time was something fluent and bendy, and that every man
himself decided when he was late and when he wasn't. Also, he had no
power over time, and no matter how much the younger men he met when
taking his walks, rushed down the street to get from place to pace...
Dominic never decided to speed up.
waited for him when he got home. She was the perfect definition of a
grandmother; she wore an apron with a pattern of red squares, her
hair was thin and grey even though it was long, black and thick the
day she first had met Dominic. A smell of freshly baked cookies
surrounded her wherever she went. Unfortunately, Amelia never had the
chance to becoma a grandmother; she and Dominic had been unable to
concieve. Instead, they became the friendly, elderly couple that
everyone felt free to send their kids to if they needed a babysitter.
she smiled toward him, and every time she smiled, the years melted
away before Dominics eyes. Amelia would always be 17 to him, she
would never change. As long as her eyes sparkled with laughter and
joy, she was always just a darkhaired teenage beauty with her whole
life ahead of her.
brought you something.” Dominic knew his wife loved surprises, and
she had been talking about getting a mirror for the hallway for such
a long time..
perfect.” Amelia breathed as he showed her.”It will fit perectly
above the dresser.” Dominic got a hammer and a nail, and soon the
couple were standing in front of their new purchase, admiring the
skillful craft around the edges of it.
frame is a masterpiece.” Amelia smiled and kissed her husband's
cheek. None of them noticed the small silhuett of a woman in the
corner of the mirror, slightly grey, frozen solid, like she had been
painted there.
mirror of them all, who's the farest of them all?” Amelia joked,
and Dominic laughed when answering in a deep voice.
my dear, is farest of them all.”
painted woman in the glass flinched.
once was lost, but now, I'm found. Was blind, but now I see...” the
hymn was one of the dearest ones to Amelia, and she sang it while
taking the cookies out of the oven. Dominic had gone to one of the
neighbour's, Patrick and Stacy's, to have a late night drink with
Patrick. Amelia was baking for the Church's bake sale.
reflection in mirror shifted, Amelia could have sworn it. She could
barely see it from the kitchen, in the corner of her eye, but she saw
it. There was a beam of light roaming through her new mirror. But
Amelia was a rational woman, and she just shook it off like a duck
shakes water from her feathers. She happily went about baking, not
noticing the dark shadow that slipped out of her new mirror, down to
the floor into a puddle of pure darkness. It floated, just about an
inch over the floor.
unknowingly sang without hesitation, not knowing that in the seconds
that followed a figure took shape in their hallway. It had a hoarse
voice, like it hadn't spoken in decades. It looked like a woman, but
the cold that came from her, glowing around her like the faint glow
of an old lightbulb. And it spoke, chanted, the same verse over and
over and over, whispering...
Mary bloody Mary, coarsing blood, bloody Mary bloody Mary, none
understood, bloody Mary bloody Mary, up to no good.” she giggled,
and transformed from a woman into a blackhaired woman in to a little
girl with even darker hair, a white top and a pair of blue pants.
After the change she let Amelia notice her.
you lost, sweetheart?” Amelia asked.”Are you the daughter of the
new family on the other side of the road?”
”I know what you did, Amelia.” the girl said.”I know about the camaro and the little girl in red.”
”I know what you did, Amelia.” the girl said.”I know about the camaro and the little girl in red.”
are you talking about?” Amelia stuttered.
girl in red, long gone, dead.” the girl mumbled.”And you are
about to become just the same.”
It was an accident!”
”You're a killer, Amelia.”
”You're a killer, Amelia.”
She came out of nowhere, it was a mistake!”
bloody Murder!”
the girl changed again, for the last time. Her nails grew longer, her
mouth wider and her teeth grew pointy and greenish. Amelia stumbled
backwards, hitting her lower back against the dishwasher.
family never got to say their goodbyes.. Now I'm here to take your
say when bloody Mary starts scratching, she doesn't stop until she
claws right through your skull, into your brain and out the back of
your head. That was exactly how Dominic found his wife. The wounds
were still fresh, her skull pooring blood onto the floor.
were two holes in her head, clawed with almost surgical skill; two
cylindric empty spaces right where her eyes used to be.
Eternal Love
I have always been able to hear them,
see them, witness their existance like few others can. Ghosts, I
mean. I never tell anyone else. I tried, once, in second grade. That
resulted in me having to go to a therapist for almost a year.I woke
up at dusk after my first night in the house my father assisted me in
buying a few weeks ago. The darkness was still filling my room, and I
could barely see. But I was able hear. I ran my fingers across the
walls, when following the noises. Cooing, fluttering of small wings.
I recognized the noises immeaditly. Pigeons. More than a few. Coming
inside the walls of my new home.
Suddenly, the noises from the pigeons
disappeared. The silence seemed odd. I wondered so how pigeons had
gotten inside the walls of our house.
My father was already awake, sitting in
the kitchen when I came down the stairs. He greated me with a cup of
warm coffee. I decided to tell him about the pigeons; after all, I
had gotten my gift of witnessing the dead ones in limbo.
”Dad. I heard pigeons this morning.”
I said. He looked at me in confusion.”From inside the walls.”
”Oh dear Lord. We should never had chosen to buy an old house.” he muttered.
”Oh dear Lord. We should never had chosen to buy an old house.” he muttered.
”Just be happy that it's just
pigeons. There could have been a dead army, a woman who murdered her
whole family.” I smiled.
”Yes. You do remember grandma's
house?” dad grunted.”Half a platon of dead soldiers from the
civil war.”
”It could have been a lot worse. But
do you happen to know if there are any original drawings of the house
left here?” I asked.
”Yes, probably in the livingroom in
the drawer in the bookshelf.” he said.”Just tell me if you need
anything else.”
”Actually, I think you can go home,
back to mom again.” I answered.”I bet she misses you.”
”Are you sure you will be alright
”Of course, dad. I'm an adult now.
Sooner or later, you are going to have to let go anyway.” I laughed
softly and kissed him on the cheek.”Besides, all that's left to do,
is unpack.”
”If you say so.” he smiles, and I
watch him exit the house after grabbing his coat and his baseball cap
from the single nail in the wall in my hallway. After hearing the
slight roar of his old Honda Civic, I enter the livingroom,
immeaditly aiming for the bookshelf.
Dad's directions turned out to be true.
There were original drawings of the house, placed inside an envelope.
I could feel the paper's age between my fingers, and I suddenly felt
the spirits of every single person who had touched these drawings. A
young boy, an older man, an angry woman, a joyful grandmother showing
it to her grandchildren, perhaps telling stories about the old house
to them.
I studied them for a long time. The
only difference I noticed, exepct the neccessary renovations that had
been made right before the house was sold, was that one of the
balconys had been taken down. Why, I couldn't imagine. Maybe there
had been new laws for architecture, and suddenly the balcony was no
longer deemed safe enough.
I sighed. These drawings gave me no new
information. I decided to make an omelette and study the matter
mentally instead. Why would I be hearing pigeons? And, a more
important question: where did they come from? The thought struck me,
that they might actually be inside the wall. I had recently read an
article about a woman who found a dead pig inside her wall. But that
had been a mistake, the pig had ran away and gotten stuck inside a
small crawl space, which was later on filled with cement. Then I
realised that no builders would be stupid enough not to notice when
at least twenty pigeons flew into a house half built. Still, the
thought of having a house built from dead birds, was very unsettling.
I ate my omelette, still wondering, and
went about my day. I started unpacking, which was the most pressing
matter in my life at the moment. I decided to start with unpacking my
clothes and my technology. My computer was placed on my desk,
together with my phone and a few other things, and my clothes was
promptly placed on hangers and hung in my closet in my upstairs
When placing my last shirt against the
wall, I heard them again. The pigeons had returned.
I placed my hand agains the wall,
closed my eyes and listened. I listened with more than just my ears.
My grandmother had often described it as listening with your body and
soul, the thing she and I did when looking for lost souls. I heard
the flutter of wings, the soft cooing of sleepy pigeons, and suddenly
there was something more. Something, that was not a bird. Something
much, much bigger than a bird. I turned around, and stopped looking
for the birds. I had found something else to concentrate on.
I did not have to open my eyes to know
she was there. Looking at me with confusion in her eyes. Not
understanding how I was able to acknowledge her prescence, something
so many others had failed with, and I wondered if she had attempted
to contact others, still living.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed her
beauty. Her dark eyes, fixated on me. Her dark hair, hanging loose
over her back, her mouth slighly open in surprise, her collarbones,
barely visible beneath pale skin. The darkness around her eyes let me
know that she had suffered before her death, but not physically.
”Are you here to bring him home?”
she whispered, her pale, thin arms reaching for me.”He is coming
home soon.” Her voice cracked and she burst into tears. I stood
still, patiently waiting. Her story was important, everything she was
able to tell me, vital.
”He is coming home soon.” she
repeated, suddenly calm once more. This was the problem with ghosts.
Very few had the ability to use the same brain capacity they had
possessed when they had been alive, which resulted in them often
repeating the same things over and over again, stuck in patterns,
sometimes for hundreds of years.
”Who is coming home soon?” I
tried.”Who are you?”
She was clearly able to recognize my
existance in the room, focusing her dark brown eyes directly on me,
almost staring. She knew who I was, I'm sure of it.
”Dead.” she said.”They all died,
and I never helped. They're dead.”
And with that, she was gone. I sighed.
Sometimes, being able to see other things than mere people can, was a
burden. The repetitive patterns, the very small amounts of
information I was ever able to extract from the people whom I was
supposed to help. What I did, was very hard. And the things I had to
experience while doing it, was often times even harder.
I grunted, going down the stairs, and
into the livingroom. The following items I wanted to unpack, were my
books. I owned hundreds of books, because when I was younger, I had
heard that in orde to be a good writer, you needed to read a lot.
Thus, I read all the great works of every author I could find: Pride
and Prejudice, Little Women, Robin Hood... Every
piece of classic litterature you can imagine, and hundreds of more.
Alltogether, I doubted that the number of books I had read was below
a thousand.
picked up my own work first. I always kept a hard copy of every
single one of my books, so that I could read them, and see how I
could perfect my own storytelling. Being a successful author at the
age of twentyone, had it's benefits: a lot more years to come when I
could write even more. Books named Dead Man at Dusk,
Murderous Mistress, The Mollaway Hound and
a whole lot more was stacked into my shelves, all bearing my own
name. I wrote both novels and collections of short stories.
soon as The Mollaway Hound had
been put in place, I heard a roaring, and another drawer in my
bookshelf flew open. Out flew pieces of paper, someone impatient for
me to see something I had yet not noticed. Probably the woman
looking at the papers, I noticed a womans handwriting, signed Eleanor
LaBelle. French, I though. Why
am I not surprised? French women are always so dramatic.
I picked up a total
of ten papers, and soon noticed they were all letters, every single
one adressed to a man named James. What a generic name for an
englishman, I thought to myself when starting to read the first
Oh, James, how I miss you. I do hope
that you will return soon, and bring me back with you, to this
wonderful place called America. Here at home, they say all dreams
come true, and that finding gold is as easy as finding a child in a
lower class family.
Is it as wonderful as you pictured?
Are the hills as green, the earth as giving as you hoped? For your
sake, I hope that the sun sings you awake every morning, and the moon
guards you every night. I hope that our good Lord is with you every
step of your way, and that you will find everything you dreamed of
Yours forever, Eleanor
Word has been brought to me that the
civil war has now fully errupted. Oh, if I only knew you were well.
It is so hard to sleep, when the man you love is fighting for his
beliefs in a country far away. How I wish our paths will cross again
soon. I am still wearing your ring, it still...
The rest of the
letter had been destroyed by age. I looked in the pile for a more
recent letter, and within a minute of searching, I found the youngest
one, with the date 5.6.1866.
I am still waiting for you. My heart
aches, my lung find it hard to breathe when you are not here. My
heart still beats, my body is still young, but every day you are
away, my soul becomes that of an old woman: whittering away into
nothingness. Oh, how I wish I would hear from you. Every night, I
dream of your appearance on the grass. Every day I wait in the pigeon
loft, waiting for your letters...
”Pigeon loft.”
I noticed, muttering.”I don't have a...”
A thought struck
me, with such intense force, that I stumbled towards the coffe table,
ignoring the fact that I hit my knee against the open drawer in my
bookshelf. I grabbed the drawings of the house, and gasped when I
noticed what I had missed before.
Beside the now a
days missing balcony, was a small room drawn, so small that I had not
noticed it the first time I looked over the drawings. Pigeon lofts
were rarely built into the house, but it happened. I swallowed hard.
Maybe she was... Maybe Eleanor was still waiting there. Waiting for
her James to come home from America. To bring her with him, to the
place where all their dreams would come true.
I ran upstairs,
holding the drawings of the house in one hand, finding my way through
the hallway. Approximately fifteen feet after the door leading to my
bedroom, I stopped. When I concentrated, I was able to see a slight
indentation in the wall, in the exact shape of a square. This must
have been the door, I thought to myself. I wonder if the workers had
the time to check if the pigeon loft was empty. Probably not. I knew
for a fact that the first owners of the house had died off, and that
it had been empty for several years. When it was time to sell it
again in 1920, who was to say everything had been checked?
I remembered
placing an old hatchet in one of the many storages in the basement,
and went and got it promptly. My hands trembled slightly when I
lifted it, and started striking towards the door, exitement and small
particles of the walls of my home filling my lungs. I feared for what
I would find inside. I feared that I would find nothing at all. There
was nothing that would scare me as much as finding nothing. Finding
out that I had imagined the whole thing. The only thing that had kept
me feeling sane over the years had been the solid evidence I found
for my ghosts' existence. As odd as it would have sounded if I had
told anyone about it: I was wishing for a skeleton.
The door caved in
surprisingly easily. As soon as the dust settled, I stepped inside,
and the first thing I noticed was the window. Shining light into the
old balcony door, and I realised how funny it was. I had seen the
door from the outside, but never given it a second thought why it was
there. Strange, the things we never pay attention to.
I noticed the
pigeons second. The explanations to the sounds. One by one, they had
died off, left inside small cages. And soon enough, I also noticed
that Eleanor had been keeping them company all these years. Just like
I had believed, I found her body on a chair in the corned of the
room. What was left of it anyway. I sighed, and for a short moment, I
admired the dress she had died wearing. Red, with the smallest purple
flowers imaginable. I smiled, and I knew just what to do to make
Eleanor move on from limbo. But first, I had to clean out the dead
She was buried the
same evening I found her. In the protection of the darkness, I
settled her body into the ground into a grave I dug with my own
hands. A smile lingered over my lips when I felt her presence, so
much stronger than before, and for the first time in around a hundred
years, the soul of Eleanor LaBelle was free. When I turned around,
her appearance had changed. Her dress was now perfectly clean, her
eyes had no longer dark rings beneath them, and her lips formed a
beautiful, bright smile.
”I am ever so
grateful.” she said. I smiled towards her and nodded.
”Thank you for
this favor. I hope the home of my family will be just as good of a
home to you as it was to me.” Eleanor smiled.”Thanks to you, I
will be able to re-unite with my James.”
Her eyes wandered to a point in the dark forest, and she smiled as she faded into the night, clearly seeing something I was not able to. Maybe the soul of her dead fiancé had finally come for her.
Her eyes wandered to a point in the dark forest, and she smiled as she faded into the night, clearly seeing something I was not able to. Maybe the soul of her dead fiancé had finally come for her.
It hit me. All
these years, he had been waiting as well. In a place without her, not
knowing if she was well, or if he would ever see her again, just like
she had been waiting for him, he had been waiting for her. Waiting
for a lover who might never show up. Now, I could only hope they had
been re-united. United in a place to which I did not know, but I
hoped it would be just as beautiful as their love for eachother.
I smiled softly
towards the dark forest, and sighed as I turned around and walked
back into my house. When inside, I locked the door, I sat down at my
computer and started writing another one of my bestselling
collections of short stories.
I have always been able to hear
them, see them, witness their existance...
Sunday, August 7, 2016
7 Things To Do When You're Bored
Sometimes, we all have those days, when there is "nothing to do", and you just want to figure something out. So I thought I'd share my 7 most favourite things to do when I'm bored out of my mind.
1. Read a classic
The classics became great for a reason, and I have personally read quite a few of them. Reading a classic novel will make good use of your time, and besides, telling people you have read one of the greater novels of all time, is usually quite impressive and it makes you seem more cultured. Personally, I recommend The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote or Gulliver's Travels, but if none of those sound interesting, fear not. There are far more great novels out there than just those 3!
2. Clean your closet
For me, as a person that owns a lot of clothes, finding what I want to wear is quite the mission, and often leaves my wardrobe in quite the state of an intense mess. Cleaning your closet will not only make time pass, but it will also make it easier the next time you need something special from your wardrobe.
3. Explore new music
Have you ever made good use of the Discover playlist on Spotify? If you haven't it's a great way to find new bands and songs based on your style, and you can ask your friends what they listen to, or find new music through Google searches. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much great music to listen to, and exploring new music can be a very fun experience.
4. Bake
There is nothing as charming as home made cookies, pasterys or cake. The act of baking is perfect for passing time, because you can choose if you want to spend 20 minutes or several hours in the kitchen. Besides, it's very convinient to have some already baked cookies when you have people over!
5. Go out
Speaking of people, remember to spend time with your friends. Or make new ones. Going out, either with old friends or with newfound acquaintances is always an interesting experience, and the best memories are often made with other people. You can never have too many acquaintances, social networks are increadibly important.
6. Try something new
Has it been a while since you did anyhing new? We all need something fresh in our lives from time to time, and when you get bored, it's the perfect opportunity to do something new. It doesn't have to be something big, like going skydiving, you can visit a part of your hometown that you rarely go to, go to a new restaurant or a coffee shop that you've never been to before. Be as adventurous as you want to!
7. Cook something exiting for dinner
Are you one of the many people that tends to get stuck in the habits you create, making one in three meals spaghetti with meatballs? Perfect, because this is the perfect opportunity to break that habit. Sit down with your computer, go to one of the many sites where recepies are displayed and look for something exiting!
1. Read a classic
The classics became great for a reason, and I have personally read quite a few of them. Reading a classic novel will make good use of your time, and besides, telling people you have read one of the greater novels of all time, is usually quite impressive and it makes you seem more cultured. Personally, I recommend The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote or Gulliver's Travels, but if none of those sound interesting, fear not. There are far more great novels out there than just those 3!
2. Clean your closet
For me, as a person that owns a lot of clothes, finding what I want to wear is quite the mission, and often leaves my wardrobe in quite the state of an intense mess. Cleaning your closet will not only make time pass, but it will also make it easier the next time you need something special from your wardrobe.
3. Explore new music
Have you ever made good use of the Discover playlist on Spotify? If you haven't it's a great way to find new bands and songs based on your style, and you can ask your friends what they listen to, or find new music through Google searches. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much great music to listen to, and exploring new music can be a very fun experience.
4. Bake
There is nothing as charming as home made cookies, pasterys or cake. The act of baking is perfect for passing time, because you can choose if you want to spend 20 minutes or several hours in the kitchen. Besides, it's very convinient to have some already baked cookies when you have people over!
5. Go out
Speaking of people, remember to spend time with your friends. Or make new ones. Going out, either with old friends or with newfound acquaintances is always an interesting experience, and the best memories are often made with other people. You can never have too many acquaintances, social networks are increadibly important.
6. Try something new
Has it been a while since you did anyhing new? We all need something fresh in our lives from time to time, and when you get bored, it's the perfect opportunity to do something new. It doesn't have to be something big, like going skydiving, you can visit a part of your hometown that you rarely go to, go to a new restaurant or a coffee shop that you've never been to before. Be as adventurous as you want to!
7. Cook something exiting for dinner
Are you one of the many people that tends to get stuck in the habits you create, making one in three meals spaghetti with meatballs? Perfect, because this is the perfect opportunity to break that habit. Sit down with your computer, go to one of the many sites where recepies are displayed and look for something exiting!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
I finally know!
You know how I've been super stressed out about moving, since I have had no idea of the date when I am supposed to move, and I've been panicking about that for a couple of weeks?
Well, guess what? I have finally gotten a date when I'll be able to move, and I can proudly tell you that I will be moving away on the 13th this month, aka only 9 days away. I'm increadibly exited to move, and I'm so relieved to finally have a fixed date to focus on, and not something distant and unclear that I could just imagine instead of being able to focus on. I look forward to it so much, and I really want these 9 days to go as fast as possible, I'm getting a little bit impatient at this point..
I have wanted to move out for so long, felt ready to move out almost as long, and I can't believe it's finally happening. Besides, my future apartment is absolutely dreamy, so moving out will be even more amazing because of that.
I've started cleaning out my room, gotten about one third of it done already and now I'm actually starting to pack some of the things that I am going to bring to my new apartment. I've packed almost all my clothes, and I'm so hyped about getting up tomorrow (well, technically today) and preparing my move in all the other ways. I honestly haven't been this exited for something in a really long time.
Also, the other reason I feel so great about moving out, is that I really need a fresh start. I need change and new experiences, I need to meet new people and see new things. So moving out will be great for me. Honestly, moving out couldn't have better timing, at the moment everything is just dull, and I feel like I need something new. I need something fresh in my life, especially new people.
I look forward to this move so much, and I will make sure to keep all of you updated about the move and all the preparations of the move, because I know many of you are really curious about my new apartment, new town and how all of it turns out. And believe me, I am just as curious as all of you put together!
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!
The Rocker
The Rocker is an American comedy. This is a movie I have seen several times, aka I like it a lot.
Robert "Fish" Fishman gets kicked out of his band in the 1980's, and twenty years later, he gets fired from his job. He moves in with his sister, and gets to know his nephew, who plays keyboard in a small band called A.D.D. When A.D.D's drummer leaves the band right before prom, Fish jumps in as the drummer. After prom, Fish gets kicked out of his sister's house, and moves into the basement of a local restaurant, the band decides to practice via web cam. When Fish decides to practice completely nude, his niece records it and uploads it to Youtube. Soon, he gets known on the Internet as "The Naked Drummer" and the band goes viral. From that moment, their lives will never be the same.
This is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen, and for some reason, I keep coming back to it. I've watched it several times, yet never seem to get tired of it. I would definetly recommend it to everyone!
Robert "Fish" Fishman gets kicked out of his band in the 1980's, and twenty years later, he gets fired from his job. He moves in with his sister, and gets to know his nephew, who plays keyboard in a small band called A.D.D. When A.D.D's drummer leaves the band right before prom, Fish jumps in as the drummer. After prom, Fish gets kicked out of his sister's house, and moves into the basement of a local restaurant, the band decides to practice via web cam. When Fish decides to practice completely nude, his niece records it and uploads it to Youtube. Soon, he gets known on the Internet as "The Naked Drummer" and the band goes viral. From that moment, their lives will never be the same.
This is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen, and for some reason, I keep coming back to it. I've watched it several times, yet never seem to get tired of it. I would definetly recommend it to everyone!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
School of Rock
First off this is one of my favourite
movies. And I have always loved the movie, so I figured, if I'm going
to be reviewing movies, I should do this one as well!
Dewey Finn gets kicked out of his own
band, and ows his roommate rentmoney for a couple of months. So when
the opportunity strikes, he decides to fake it as a substitute
teacher, taking on the identity as Mr. S. His second day as a
teacher, he notices that his class has real musical talent, and he
decides to enter the Battle of the Bands competition, to take revenge
on his old band, No Vacancy, which is also competing.
The thing I really like about this
movie, is first of all: the amazing soundtrack. Old, classic rock
songs play throughout the movie, and I feel so connected to the music
played, the names mentioned and the bands they talk about. The main
character, played by Jack Black, is as delightful as all his other
characters (he's a personal favourite actor), and the actors
portraying his class are amazingly talented for their age.
Besides, the movie shows the side of
rock that I actually enjoy more (no, it's not just sex, drugs and
rock n roll), the part which speaks of standing up for yourself,
being who you are, and telling those who don't like it to suck it.
Awesome message, couldn't be better.
Amazing movie, amazing actors, highly
Now You See Me
Four magicians are given a tarot card each, which leads them to an empty apartment, where they find information that will completely change their lives forever. A year past, they are performing together as the Four Horsemen, pulling off amazing magic tricks. At a show in Las Vegas, they decide to make robbing a bank part of their trick. This leads the FBI to investigate them, and their life takes on a completely new direction.
The movie is placed on the heist/thriller spectrum, and plsys out in a lot of action-type scenes, is full off surprises and plot twists. Speaking of the plot twists, they might have gone a little bit overboard with them. Plot twists should be an addition to the movie, it shouldn't be the entire movie.
Besides, I love thrillers where you get to follow along, and try to answer some questions on your own. This movie gave absolutely no chance for me to do that.
Honestly, this isn't a new favourite movie for me. I liked the characters, I liked the plot, the camera work was good... I honestly don't know what was throwing me off. But something did, like there was something missing. But, I would however recommend it to someone else, if I thought it would suit their style.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Who I Would Vote For In The American Election
So this is currently a huge thing in the world. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine and the other candidates have been all over the media, and even more on the internet. Everyone's discussing who they will vote for, even people who live on the other side of the globe.
I would never vote for Donald Trump. Why? I am a woman, and he views us as objects, and have absolutely no respect for us. I strongly believe in equality for all humans, and he is increadibly rasist. He is against immigrants, while his own ancestors have been immigrants (I hardly believe his family has always been in the States, considering he's clearly not a Native American). He has upset the media a lot, which is never good for a president.
I would never vote for Hillary Clinton. The response she has given Donald Trump has been way too dramatic for the political scene, and though I consider her to be a better future president than Trump, I still don't consider her to be a great future president. Though she is for equal rights for all etnicities and sexualities, she has done some very stupid decisions during her political carreer. The email scandal and the Paula Jones scandal for example, are reasons why I definetly wouldn't vote for Hillary.
At this point in time, it really stands between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a terrible president and a bad president. I think the USA has a real situation on their hands, and I'm honestly worried about their future. The States has a huge influence on all of the world, and I would never, ever want such a powerful nation to have a bad president, because it would in some way affect all of us eventually. I can only hope that the people of USA will make a good choice when it comes to actually voting.
Honestly, I would rather vote for a Big Mac at this point, and that says a lot, since I'm a vegetarian.
I would never vote for Donald Trump. Why? I am a woman, and he views us as objects, and have absolutely no respect for us. I strongly believe in equality for all humans, and he is increadibly rasist. He is against immigrants, while his own ancestors have been immigrants (I hardly believe his family has always been in the States, considering he's clearly not a Native American). He has upset the media a lot, which is never good for a president.
I would never vote for Hillary Clinton. The response she has given Donald Trump has been way too dramatic for the political scene, and though I consider her to be a better future president than Trump, I still don't consider her to be a great future president. Though she is for equal rights for all etnicities and sexualities, she has done some very stupid decisions during her political carreer. The email scandal and the Paula Jones scandal for example, are reasons why I definetly wouldn't vote for Hillary.
At this point in time, it really stands between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a terrible president and a bad president. I think the USA has a real situation on their hands, and I'm honestly worried about their future. The States has a huge influence on all of the world, and I would never, ever want such a powerful nation to have a bad president, because it would in some way affect all of us eventually. I can only hope that the people of USA will make a good choice when it comes to actually voting.
Honestly, I would rather vote for a Big Mac at this point, and that says a lot, since I'm a vegetarian.
It's 3 am...
Well, I'm still awake, and it's 2.48
am. And now I don't know what do to, because I can't really make a
lot of noice, since every single one of my family memebers are
sleeping right now. I've tried going to sleep for the longest time,
but for some reason I can't. I don't know why it's so hard for me to
fall asleep, because honestly, I feel really tired.
I've watched a lot of movies today, The
Rocker, School of Rock and Gulliver's Travels. I love all of them.
The Rocker is a classic of mine, a personal favourite since years
back, and I love School of Rock as well, because who doesn't love
Jack Black? That's actually why I decided to watch Gulliver's travels
as well, because I really like Jack Black as an actor, and he played
the main character.
Also, good news: I found an apartment,
and I have decided on a date for moving! I'll be moving in on the
13th this month, aka in 12 days, and I'm really really
exited. I can't believe I'm going to have my own place, start
studying and become a responsible adult. I feel so old...
Also, today (or technically yesterday) I started really planning
my move, making a plan for it all in a more serious manor this time.
I love planning it all out, thinking about every little detail that
goes into the move and the things surrounding it. I look forward to
this move so much, you have no idea! And I can't wait to see how my
apartment's interior turns out, to meet my fellow biology students,
and to explore my the surroundings of my new home.
Just moving out and start attending
university is going to be an amazing experience for me, and I'm so
thrilled to see how it all turns out. I look forward to all the
things I'll see and do, all the people I'll meet and get to know...
I'm honestly ridiculously exited for all of this, and I can't wait to
see how it all turns out when I finally get to move, and I get to get
started on my new life as a university student. I look forward to
this so much.
Oh well, now I'm going to try to fall
asleep again, for the 158344th time for tonight. I
honestly hope I'll be able to fall asleep soon, because I have a
whole ton of stuff to do when I wake up tomorrow. I need to start
cleaning because that'll make everything about my move a lot more
easy (of course, because I can't put stuff in boxes, if I don't know
the position of the stuff in the first place), and I need to actually
start accomplishing something when it comes to packing all my things
for the move.
Oh well, now I'm actually going to
sleep. Hope you're having a great tuesday, and that your new week had
a great start. If you're curious about my move, you can follow me on
snapchat, where I update frequently, or check in on my blog often,
since I'll write a lot about it here!
Goodnight, and of course, as always...
Goodnight, and of course, as always...
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!
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