Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It's 3 am...

   Well, I'm still awake, and it's 2.48 am. And now I don't know what do to, because I can't really make a lot of noice, since every single one of my family memebers are sleeping right now. I've tried going to sleep for the longest time, but for some reason I can't. I don't know why it's so hard for me to fall asleep, because honestly, I feel really tired.
   I've watched a lot of movies today, The Rocker, School of Rock and Gulliver's Travels. I love all of them. The Rocker is a classic of mine, a personal favourite since years back, and I love School of Rock as well, because who doesn't love Jack Black? That's actually why I decided to watch Gulliver's travels as well, because I really like Jack Black as an actor, and he played the main character.
   Also, good news: I found an apartment, and I have decided on a date for moving! I'll be moving in on the 13th this month, aka in 12 days, and I'm really really exited. I can't believe I'm going to have my own place, start studying and become a responsible adult. I feel so old...

   Also, today (or technically yesterday) I started really planning my move, making a plan for it all in a more serious manor this time. I love planning it all out, thinking about every little detail that goes into the move and the things surrounding it. I look forward to this move so much, you have no idea! And I can't wait to see how my apartment's interior turns out, to meet my fellow biology students, and to explore my the surroundings of my new home.
   Just moving out and start attending university is going to be an amazing experience for me, and I'm so thrilled to see how it all turns out. I look forward to all the things I'll see and do, all the people I'll meet and get to know... I'm honestly ridiculously exited for all of this, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out when I finally get to move, and I get to get started on my new life as a university student. I look forward to this so much.
   Oh well, now I'm going to try to fall asleep again, for the 158344th time for tonight. I honestly hope I'll be able to fall asleep soon, because I have a whole ton of stuff to do when I wake up tomorrow. I need to start cleaning because that'll make everything about my move a lot more easy (of course, because I can't put stuff in boxes, if I don't know the position of the stuff in the first place), and I need to actually start accomplishing something when it comes to packing all my things for the move.
   Oh well, now I'm actually going to sleep. Hope you're having a great tuesday, and that your new week had a great start. If you're curious about my move, you can follow me on snapchat, where I update frequently, or check in on my blog often, since I'll write a lot about it here!
   Goodnight, and of course, as always...
Hugs from Ostrobothnia!

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