Have you ever had something that you felt you could eat all the time, and never get tired of? Because I just found my thing that will never bore me: dried pineapple. I love dried fruits in general, but this fruit definetly takes the cake. I don't think I've ever fallen this quickly for a snack before, I could eat kilos of this stuff, and I'm not even joking.

The only problem with this is that it's really expensive (at least when you're on a student budget, and every cent (cough, click on my stuff, cough) counts) even in smaller amounts, like a bag of 250 grams. So when I buy this, it has to last me for a while for it to actually be worth it, I can't just munch down an entire bag in two days. For example, the bag in the upper picture was bought tuesday, and I've forced myself to make it last (good on me for not binge eating anymore, right?
I've also managed to get sick again (don't ask me how I do it, no one knows) as I had a fever yesterday. And in the middle of exam season! I've been more sick in my life, but it definetly adds to the stress. Hopefully, I manage to study enough for my exams, but if not, there's really no worries: you can take an exam 3 times, so I can always hope for better health after Christmas. However, I'm of course going to try my best even before Christmas, despite a bit of a fever and a spinning head when I stand up!
A large hug to all of you reading, thank you for sticking with me despite the spotty blogging! I'm going to try to get back to my regular schedule again, as soon as I'm feeling better! Also, a special thank you to my friends who keep asking how I'm feeling and telling me to get well soon. You guys are the absolute best!
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