Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Puppies and Pokémon

   Today, I've had a really interesting day and surprisingly productive day.
   It begun with me getting to meet this adorable puppy, who belongs to my grandfather. He was out, so we got to look after her. Her name's Mira and she's adorable and increadibly energetic. She also makes really sad noices when you leave, and it's freaking heartbreaking.
   I also went Pokémon hunting with my brother and got my first two eggs: one that requires a 2 kilometre walk, and one that requires 5. We also visited a pokéstop, and a gym (which I can't use, since I'm only a level 4 trainer). We also found 8 new Pokémon, and I transferred 2 of them to the professor, so that I can get a bit more candy, so I can start evolving my Pokémon.
   And once more, playing Pokémon Go has been proven to be increadibly motivational when it comes to exercise. I have biked 10 km and walked 4.5 km so far today, which is amazing. I'm also planning to go for a walk later tonight after relaxing a bit, to get my 2 km egg to hatch!

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