Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day #50 Knitting

I started knitting today again. I find it's relaxing and, I love the creative part of knitting. Besides, it reminds me of my grandmother, who passed away about a year ago. I miss her a lot, especially when knitting, but it's a good kind of missing. I even bought the same brand of yarn that she used to use when she was knitting.
I decided on making a scarf with the gryffindor colors, red and yellow. Considering I started on it today, I feel like I've gotten quite a long way on it, and I hope it'll be done soon. I really look forward to using it when it's done.
I've really missed knitting, and it gives me something to do with my hands when I'm watching one of my tvshows so I don't feel as restless as usual.

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