I'm a feminist, and how do I tackle the issues the world faces on an every day basis? Well, there's a whole lot of levels to it: the issues regarding my own life, the worries and issues my friends and family faces, and the problems we face as a nation or world. I always voice my opinion, no matter what happens to me if I do, and I won't be quiet about the issues that are important to me. I make my own choices in life, I encourage other women around me to embark on their travels through life in the way they see fit and pursue their dreams in whatever manner they please. I want to teach my children, no matter if they turn out to be boys and girls, that they should respect everyone around them, and that they can be whatever they please. I'm a feminist because I actively speak out against injustices around me, use my right to vote towards politicians who stand for equality for everyone, I stand up when other women are hurt, when friends depend on me for support or advice, and I always will. I have always believed, and will always, believe in the equality of men and women, no matter race, religion, background or social status. I believe that every life is of equal worth, and I always will.
Everyone shows their values in a different way, and that's perfectly fine. If you claim otherwise, I can honestly say I consider you a strange person. You can be a feminist without making enormous sacrifices for the cause. Not everyone can be Malala Yousafzai, and that's okay. You can support the values of a movement even if you're not willing to spend your life working for it.
The approach to feminism is different to every feminist out there. Some people use their votes to forward the message of equality and make the world better that way. Some feminists will actively speak out against harassment, economical differeces to show their support of feminism. Some will support their female friends when they have tough choices to make, some will follow their dreams despite the world actively working against them. Feminism has many approaches, and is not only exclusive to women. Men, and people identifying as everything else, can be feminists too (shocking, right?!), because everyone who speaks up, who thinks it's wrong, when they see something that argues against equality is a feminist. And in case you're wondering: if you're not actively working against the problem, you are part of that problem. Don't want negative things to happen to the people around you? Actively work against them, because if you keep quiet, you are just one more person who slowly but surely is beoming part of that bigger problem.
It is stupid to think that we will be equal in every way possible, because there are biological differences that makes that impossible. Men will probably always have an easier time building muscle tissue, and thus be able to lift heavier things, and women will probably always be more nurturing because it's embedded in us as a species. But socially, economically and politically? Those are things we can change, things we should change.
I want equality for everyone, because I don't think there's a person alive who has the right to claim that someone else's life or values is worth less than their own. I'm a feminist, because I really do believe that you should be valued as a person, no matter what gender you are, where you're from, what God you believe or don't believe in, what you work with, what the color of your skin happens to be, what you work with, what your social background is, and so on.
You are, and you will always be, a person. And as such, you should be treated like one.
(Picture credits: lower; the Elm, upper: Goddesskerrilyn)
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