Let me start by saying this: I have never supported this manchild, and I will never do so, because this douche is an entitled brat, who apologizes for showing dead bodies by saying "it wasn't for views, I get views". What kind of a f´d up being do you have to be to use that in your apology? How entitled and self centered do you have to be for that to sound like an apology?
Also, have you thought about the fact that someone on his team, had to edit that shitpile of a video, saw the dead body, saw the group making fun of it and thought "Yes, let's put this on the internet, this will be funny as fuck". This was not only Logan Paul's decision. And, not to mention, Youtube allowed this crap to reach trending. What the hell? You soft censor LGBTQ+ youtubers, no matter what their videos are about, but a dead body? That's great material to you? What the hell is wrong with you.
So, despite this human being the biggest manchild in the states right now (after the president of course, that title will be Donald Trump's for the rest of his presidency), let me break this down for you using cold logic instead of emotional arguments, and let's start with the asshole's apology, which he did through a screenshot on his twitter.
"I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple" Really, now. You laughed at a dead body with your stupid crew, to make a positive ripple on the internet? Sweet Jesus. Your audience is made up from children and teens. What is wrong with you? "I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention", oh really? Where was the link for suicide prevention hotlines, a webpage, a phone number, anything?! Where's your donation to any orginisation that works to prevent suicide? And is laughing at a dead body really the way to raise awareness? Really, how stupid do you have to be to use this as an excuse? This sounds like something you make up on the spot without thinking, when you realized you did something completely f*cked up. You, sir, are an ass, and now, the entire world knows it.

"With great power comes great responsibility..." Yes, that's true. And what have you used your "power" for? Where's the charity work? Where's the actual suicide prevention? Where's the creative work, where's the support for people who need it? Oh that's right, it's on other people's channels. Because you, an entitled manchild with his head so far up his butt, he can probably smell last night's dinner, why would you need to help anyone else? Wanna know what you've used your power for? Upon googling "Logan Paul charity work", the first headline showing up was "Logan Paul's video slammed as "totally unacceptable" by japanese suicide charity". If that doesn't tell you anything about what kind of a mistake you are to the entertainment industry. Google any other youtuber; Markiplier, iiSuperwomanii, Shane Dawson, Liza Koshy, Pewdiepie etc. and you'll find great charity work. So really, mister Logan Paul, what have you done with your power, besides being culturally insensitive infront of millions of children and teens and using the power of clickbait to gain more money for yourself.
Now, other people has done stupid things with their power online. White people using the N-word, accidentally offending people, been culturally insensitive and so on and so on. But this is the first time, ever, that suicide has been made fun of in such a radical way. If you laugh at a dead body, there's something wrong with you. If you film yourself laughing at a dead body, there's something very wrong with you. If you film, and upload yourself laughing for a dead body for millions of people to see, you need serious mental help. What kind of messed up person does something like that?
But something that bothers me even more: there are people supporting him, claiming he did nothing wrong. Oh my God. Now I understand being a fan of a youtuber, I love several youtubers. But supporting someone who's done something this stupid, claiming he has done nothing wrong, how stupid do you have to be? You don't support someone this stupid, unless you're stupid yourself, or just a child in general. People like this should not have access to the internet. Dear United States, please take away net neutrality, but only for people supportive this idiot. Please, do something right for once.

But, the thing that makes me really sad about this whole thing is that this jackass will still get the normal amount of views he always gets. It doesn't matter how many people he throws things at, if he waves raw fish in the faces of dozens of people, if he runs to the streets of Tokyo dressed in a kimono, or how many times he shows a dead body to get views, he will always have the same idiots who will support him no matter what. In a couple of weeks everyone will have forgotten all about this. Youtube will not take down his channel, because he makes money for them. His stupid fans will follow him to the edge of the earth no matter how many times he laughs at dead humans.
That's the sad thing about celebrities. No matter why they're famous, no matter how much they mess up, even if they offend entire nations, they will still be around, making money and having a following. I can guarantee you, that Logan Paul will suffer no long term consequences because of this, even though he deserves everything getting thrown at him at the moment.
ReplyDeleteSonjaGJanuary 7, 2018 at 2:50 PM
Unfortunately (, or fortunately...) I didn’t get the chance to see that Logan Paul video before it was taken away, but I think the reporter on YouTuber News manage to comment on it in a very objective and matter-of-fact way without using any swearwords or foul language in this video https://youtu.be/pE228Di7WdU. Christain DelGrosso, who knows Logan Paul personally, also has many well thought-of and reasonable views in this post. https://youtu.be/n1HUAavAjaU