I have a lot of promises to myself this year, some more personal than others. The most important one though, is that I really want to be healthier as a person. My food is pretty okay, I eat a lot of salads, fruits and veggies. The snacks are the real problems. I've gotten much better, but I have more improvement to do, since I eat unhealthy snacks very often, and I can honestly tell you that I won't stop eating snacks completely, because I like it way too much, but I will try to cut back on them. I'm also going to join the gym, together with my boyfriend, and will start working out as soon as my cold clears up.
I also promised myself that I will try to travel in 2018. Since I'm a student, I'm on a really tight budget, but me and Theo were thinking we might go for a weekend in Stockholm or Tallinn during the spring/summer, whenever there's time. Both of us like exploring new places and trying new things, and though I have already been to Tallinn and to Stockholm (the latter a few times, actually), they feel like good places to start with.

I also want to share with you that I've promised myself to improve the way I view myself. I often look at the things I don't have: the talents I lack, the possessions other's have, and a whole bunch of other negative things. For 2018, I would like to work on liking myself more, focusing on the talents I actually do have. I may not be able to reach high places because I'm short, but I can lift things weighing more than I do without any difficulty. I may not be able to run fast, or draw well, but I can write essays quicker than anyone else I've talked to and I have a way with words.
The final thing I want to share with you is something that I've wanted to improve on for quite a long time. In 2018, I want to enchance my cultural knowledge. In 2018, I want to read more books. I want to find more music, I want to watch more great movies and tvshows. I want to see more art, go to more historical places. I want to end 2018 by feeling that I know more than I did when it begun.
So those are my new year's resolutions for the upcoming year, except the obvious one (you know like: in 2018, I want to be happy, and surround myself with people I love, because who doesn't have that as a goal). Some people think resolutions are ridiculous, that you shouldn't make them, or that they don't make a difference. I don't know if they make a difference, but I have always fulfilled mine, and I hope this year will continue that tradition.
What are your goals for the new year? What will you improve on, or what do you hope to do during the year? What are the places you want to visit, what do you want to experience? Tell me in the comments!
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