Take this picture on the right as an example. The details on the snowflake are wellknown, because they are unique to every single snowflake. And despite this post being about God, I think the message is beautiful, even if you decide to turn it into one that fits atheists and agnostic people, for example "If a snowflake can be this detailed, why would less detail be payed to your life". The message as a whole is a positive one, and I remember reading the comment section beneath this post several years ago on Instagram (sadly, I don't remember the acoount), and it was a freaking warzone. "Uhm, I'm an atheist, stop pushing your religion down my throat","I don't think you should show your faith in public","This doesn't apply to me, I don't believe in God". Jesus, let people live the way they want to! (See what I did there?)
And what's really bugging me, is that the message is positive. If someone tries to spread positivity, even if they do it through their faith... Why would that bother you this much? Like yes, if they were saying something negative and using their faith as an argument, then by all means, go ahead. If they were saying that all but Christians were ugly as frick, then yes. Please, go ahead. But when someone is trying to make the world a more positive place, why? How does that help anyone?
And say a religious post does in fact bother you. Why would you spend the extra time commenting under it, instead of moving on with your day, because at that point you're just wasting time on something you're bothered by. And please, please don't use the "shoving it down your throat" as an argument. It's a post on social media. You can scroll right by it. Shoving it down your throat is calling you stupid for being an atheist, harrassing you because of your personal beliefs and people impacting your life for being an atheist. An Instagram post, not directed towards you, is not shoving it onto you. No one even tagged you in this, you just happened to stumble upon it, and decided to get offended by people offering positivity.
This is what bothers me with a lot of people. The ability to not look past their own belief, because the positivity they see is coming from someone who doesn't share your religion. As an intelligent Christian, you would never comment on an atheist making a large donation to the Red Cross, for example. I honestly think that if you can't appreciate positivity, no matter where it comes from, I think you're intensly dense.
And let me just as a final point add this: if you're not doing the same, trying to spread positivity wherever you go, then don't complain about the good vibes being put out into the universe by others. I can't stretch this enough. If you're not doing anything, why would you complain about someone doing something positive, and downright attack them? Because really, all this post was really saying, is that you should be able to appreciate your existence because you are in fact, just as delicate and intricate as a snowflake, and should treat yourself like that unique, beautiful being you are. And then these morons (and yes, I use that word, because I really do think so) decide to focus on the one word in the scentence which doesn't agree with their ideology, and make something negative out of something that was meant to be 100% positive, and wasn't even directed at you.
What do you think? Does it bother you that people share their faith on social media, and does it bother you to see this type of selective neagitivity? (Because we all know not a single atheist would have reacted if the word God got taken out of that scentence). Do you care at all about people's beliefs, or are you more of a live and let live type of person? Tell me in the comments, please.
Remember to respect positivity, no matter what form it comes in, and try to make the best of the positive things you see. Love yourself, and care for the people around you.
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