Sunday, March 25, 2018

Back Home

   Hey guys, I'm back! I had a bit of a break over the weekend, as I went to Pampas nationaldag, if you don't know what that is, you can watch this video where I talk about it. It was loads of fun, I got to meet a ton of old acquaintances, and even managed to meet one of you while at a bar in Vasa! If you're reading this, what's up dude, it was a pleasure to meet you. It's still strange for me to meet people who read my blog, because I've only met a few of you, but know that I'm really flattered that you liked my work!
   I had a lot of fun, it was something I'll remember forever, amongst other things I saw 1G3B live with my friends, which was amazingly fun. But now, it's great to be back home where I can relax and sleep in my own bed. I love being back, even though traveling is always fun (and I get to travel all over again this Thursday, wohoo!). I'm so glad that I'm finally in a place where I can travel and do things without my mental health being the first thing I think about.
   Also, a quick sidenote before I go to bed (because I'm honestly pretty exhausted), we reached 4000 views on my youtube channel. That's absolutely amazing, thank you so much! I'm so lucky to have all this amazing support, and I'm so happy to see that you're liking what I put out into the universe.

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