I'm tired of hearing of the school shootings in the USA, and watching the authorities do absolutely nothing about it. Because how many children have to sacrifice their lives, how many parents have to griev their children before they finally realize that maybe there are faults in their systems, and decide to fix them? Since 2000, 280 people have died in your shootings. Why do you think that is? Compare that to Finland, where we've had two shootings since 2000, with only 20 deaths. And no, you can't use mental health as an excuse. Because other countries have mental health issues too, but you're the leading one in shootings.
I'm tired of watching women be harrassed all over social media, simply because they were born women. I'm tired of seeing comments like "nice rack" and "what are you doing later *wink, wink*" in every comment section of selfies of women. Because women have not been through several millions of years of evolution, just to be stared at by you. Dear men, it might shock you to hear this, but women are not on this Earth to please you, so stop acting like we are. And before you start acting all macho about it, yes I'm tired of seeing women comment sexist things on pictures of men too.
I'm tired of reading about teens who are so stressed by school that they stop sleeping properly, stress daily about assignments and tests, and dread to wake up the next morning just because it's a Tuesday and they will have to go back.
I'm tired of knowing that trans, gay, bi, ace, pan and all other sexualities and identities are being discriminated against, simply because the people around them either don't know any better, or simply because they believe to be in the right. Listen here: if you are in the right, no human beings will be harmed by you being so. People who aren't cis/hetero are constantly at risk for getting beat up, ridiculed or even killed because of who they are.
I'm tired of knowing that people of color are being discriminated against in the states, in my own country and almost everywhere else, simply because they were born with a skin that was not pearly white, and for some reason, the pearly white ones cannot tolerate that.
I'm tired of reading about tradgedies in the news, and knowing that the people who have the power to do something, are currently doing nothing. I'm tired of reading about famine, about war, about tradgedy and knowing that the people who could make this world better, are sitting comfortably on their high horses, and are refusing to care what happens to their fellow humans. I can't stand to read another word about men, women and children dying in wars that they did not start, or wanted to be a part of. I'm tired of hearing about refugees dying on their way to safety, or not having anywhere to go because no countries will open their arms to them.
This Wednesday, I'm tired. I'm tired of injustice, of prejudice, of people being killed simply because of the way they were born or where they happened to be. I'm tired of reading about people who suffer at the hands of someone else without being able to do anything about it. Because I'm just one person. One small human standing on a globe filled with billions of others. My voice will drown in the mass of the other's.
But even if my voice drowns, even if my thoughts aren't heard or agreed with, at least I can say that I said something. Dear world, dear people who inhabit it with me: let's do something. Because clearly, there is something that's not right.
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