Thursday, November 2, 2017


I've always loved Halloween, although it's not celebrated where I'm from. So of course, when I heard about a get-together one of the groups at school arranged with Halloween as the theme, I couldn't help but partcipate!
I decided to dress up as a corpse, and even went so far as to buy contacts (partly because of Halloween, partly because I've always wanted a pair and partly because they were absolutely gorgeous) and a black wig. I did some quick, cheap makeup (that honestly could have turned out a lot better, you know I'm awful with everything that comes with a brush.
The dress I already had in my closet, as I've used it before (I actually care for it quite a lot, I think it's gorgeous, especially the lace overlayer), but I thought it fit the purpose nicely and decided to wear it together with a pair of high boots with a little bit of a high heel.
The evening went amazingly, I had so much fun and had a lot of nice talks with some amazing people. I also realized I should meet more people, go out more often and that going out with the beginning of a cold in your system is never a good idea (because today I have an awful cough and my chest hurts along with my legs). I don't regret going out though, I had a lot of fun and if I could make the choice all over again, I'd make the same one.

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