Your one person, can be you. When you fail, you can be the one to pick yourself up. When you lack, you can be the person who will push yourself further. When you doubt, you can convince yourself. You can make absolutely everything happen for yourself, without the help of anyone else. You just need to be focused, dedicated, passionate and not let people around you bend your will. This is something that I have always believed, and probably always will believe.
Having people who support you is fine, but I think everyone can make their own happiness and make their own dreams come through without having someone else to support them and pushing you. I've always believed the best kind of accomplishment you can make, is one you've made entirely on your own without relying on anyone else.
I have thought about this alot. I have a lot of people who support me in everything I do, my family, my boyfriend and my friends are crazy supportive. But I always belive that even if no one else believes in you, you're going to have to have the strenght to pick yourself up and push yourself to accomplish your dreams. And you have every kind of opportunity to do so, even without people who support you.
You can become everything you want to be, you can accomplish everything you want to, and if you want to, or need to, you can be the only person you truly need.
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