A female neurosurgeon is going to get asked what it's like to be a woman in her field more than she's congratulated for saving a life, a woman getting a Nobel prize is going to be disliked for what she wore to the ceremony more than she gets praised for her accomplishments in literature, a female athlete is going to get asked if her monthlies interferes with her training. This is something I've been thinking about a lot over several years, and despite this partly being a matter of sexist comments from men, it also happens a lot from other women.
For some reason, when another woman accomplishes something, other women around her will instantly tear her down. "Oh, she won a Nobel prize? And she wore that to the ceremony?" "She got a perfect score on that test? Doesn't matter, I heard she's a complete B-word!" Let's face it, you've all seen it happen. Most women talk crap about each other all the time, and for absolute no reason. This is something I've never understood, and will never understand. I don't talk shit about other people, and I never will.
Whenever I talk, I try to ask myself three things: Does it benefit me? Does it benefit the person/the people I'm currently talking to? Is it good for anyone else? If the answer is No to one of those questions, I usually don't speak at all about it. I just don't see the need to waste my energy on gossip and harsh talk about other people.
I just think the world would be a lot better and a lot more productive if women stopped talking complete crap about each other and started building each other up instead of tearing others down.
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