Some of you may remember in the early summer, when I went paddling for the first time ever (and if you don’t, you can click here to read it!), and how I claimed to want to go paddling again before I went back to the city.

Well, today opportunity struck and I got to enjoy the physical activity and the beautiful views once more. My boyfriend, again being my company, suggested it yesterday, but because of the rain, we waited until this morning. The gorgeous nature around the water, the pretty insects (butterflies and a ton of dragonflies) kept us company as we made our way through the water. There was something very peaceful about the activity, though both our backs started hurting about halfway through. But yes, it was totally worth going a second time. There's something quite special about drifting through a calm river on a gorgeous summer day, just enjoying yourself and the nature around you as much as you possibly can. And of course, getting some great blogging material out of the experience isn't all bad either!
And if you have yet to try this, please go ahead and do! It's a lot of fun, though your arms/shoulders might hurt for a few minutes when you're done.
Please enjoy these beautiful pictures of the surroundings and the selfie featuring both of us. How did you spend this gorgeous day?
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