Friday, August 25, 2017

Day #236

Today has been spent preparing for tomorrow's journey back down to Åbo (which I’m honestly really, really excited about!). I’ve so far today cleaned out my room, packed all my bags and spent some time with people I care about and who will not be joining me in Åbo.
I feel really nice about the cleaning (I think this room might actually be cleaner than when I got here). I did all my laundry yesterday, so I didn’t have to think about that, and I didn’t have to think about separating clothing when I was packing, since everything had already been cleaned.
I love the thought of going back. I’ve loved spending summer here at my parent’s place, it’s not about that. I just miss my own little space (even though it’s so little it’s driving me insane) and I love the idea that I don’t have to repeat my outfits over and over anymore (I’ve been living out of a suitcase for 2 months). I hate to admit it, but I’m quite materialistic, and I’ve missed all of my things.

I’ve also decided to vlog the entire day tomorrow (from 6 a.m. when we’re getting up), and I’m really looking forward to that! Stay tuned!

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