Thursday, August 24, 2017

Day #236

I’m well aware that like 25% of my blog now is about geocaching (same goes for my snapchat/instagram) but it’s soo much fun! So I assume you understand today’s positive choice is going to be geocaching, because of course it is!
I went geocaching alone for the second time today, and instead of just going to 3 caches (like I did the first time) I doubled that and went to 6 different ones! There was actually one that I didn’t manage to find, which was sad because I looked for it for a really long time and I couldn’t figure out where it was.
I also found my very first park and grab cache, which although really easy also was fun, and now I’m one experience richer (I honestly didn’t know these were a thing before I found one myself) in the geocaching experience.
When I first started out, I had no idea I would fall so violently for geocaching as I did (in about two weeks, I've found 56 caches, which I think is an okay amount), and I have no intention of cooling my passions about it. It's a great hobby and I love how I collect knowledge about all these adorable places in the process.
The nice views and the drive added up to some pleasant bonuses for the day, the weather was nicer than it’s been all week (it’s been raining for like 5 days straight, the weather has no chill) and getting the motivation to take a break from all the writing was even better!
Enjoy these cute pictures from today!

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