Saturday, August 19, 2017

Tired and Unknowing

I’m feeling ridiculously tired today and I don’t know what’s causing it. I’ve felt quite weird for a couple of days, it feels like I haven’t slept at all even though I often sleep through the night. I feel exhausted and unmotivated to do anything at all, and it reflects how I do the things I do anyway. I can’t seem to focus on anything, and though I try, I can’t bring myself to write something constructive.
I’m returning to Åbo next weekend (aka. in exactly seven days), and I’m looking forward to this sooo much. I have no idea how to make the time pass, since I honestly can’t wait to be back home. I’ve missed the city so much, though there are very many good things about being on the country, I miss the noises of the town, I miss the feeling of having my friends only five minutes away when I need them or they need me. I miss the library, I miss my favorite hanging out spots, my favorite bars and my favorite cafés. I miss everything about it. So feel free to contact me if you want to hang out next weekend, I’m open to suggestions! (Also, in honor of only a week being left, enjoy this old selfie from when I was still in Åbo. Look how weird I look with longer hair! Also, look at my finger sneaking into the picture!)
The recap of july video is also coming soon, as soon as I get the electronics involved to cooperate!

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