I’m from Finland. That doesn’t mean I drink alcohol like a sponge soaks up water, never show any emotion, that I have blonde hair… It just means that I was born in a certain country, have a certain nationality.
I’m an atheist, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect other’s beliefs, that I think they’re idiots for believing in something that for them is bigger. It doesn’t mean I don’t hang around people who follow a religion. It just means that I personally don’t believe in a religion.
I am a woman. That doesn’t mean I’m scared of spiders, great in the kitchen and know how to clean everything. That just makes me a woman.
I support LGBTQ rights, and that doesn’t make me gay. It just means I accept people of other sexualities just like they are, and that I think other people should be accepting them too.
No matter what you believe in, who you are or what you are, you should never be reduced to a stereotype. You’re bigger than that, stronger than something as weak as prejudice. You’re bigger than the group you’re part of, you are an individual. Whatever you believe, is yours, not part of some stereotype people pin onto you.
(Picture credit: wikiHow)
(Picture credit: wikiHow)
Väldigt bra skrivet hörru du! <3